Prison Does it work?
How Many? Last Week the prison population in England and Wales stood at 83,796 a 3% fall on the previous year
Why are people sent to Prison? On 28 June 2013 the prison population in England and Wales stood at 83,796, a 3% fall on the previous year.
The Cells 10 feet x 6 feet Accommodates 2 prisoners 1 Bunk Toilet Modesty Panel Desk Chair
Community Service Order Drug Treatment and Testing Order Tagging Detention in Young Offender Institution under 18 Imprisonment of an adult Costs £3,000 £8,000 £6,000 £42,000 £20,000
Yes... Statistics show that the more people are in custody, the fewer crimes are committed A greater use of prison ensures that criminals will take notice of the maxim, crime doesn't pay * Prison is the best way to satisfy a community's natural wish for retribution Does prison cut crime?
No... Rehabilitation is best achieved in the community. Community sentences can cut crime by 14 per cent, and in 2004 had a success rate of 61 per cent We can't afford it. The cost of a year in a young offenders' institution is twice as high as the annual fees for Eton Prison only creates better criminals Does prison cut crime?
July 2010 – June ,00 prisoners released 170,000 (c27%) proven re-offended within 12 months Each committed an average of 2.88 crimes = c490,000 crimes 56.5% committed by re-offenders with >10 previous offences
Routines On arrival strip search all clothes and possessions removed Uniform issued / Assigned to cell Can be in cell for 23 hours/day Option to work – paid up to £12.50 per week Option to study Option for religious worship One evening per week gym One evening per week Recreation
All phone calls to registered numbers and may be monitored Visits 1 per week for 1 hour Max 2/month at weekends Visits have to be requested in writing All incoming mail opened / read All outgoing mail in unsealed envelopes and read All visitors searched on entry Routines
Debate Should we have the death penalty? Should sentences be longer? Should we have corporal punishment as a deterrent? Should we concentrate more on preventing crime?