Lower Key Stage Two Expectations in Year 3 and 4
The Staff Miss Darkin – Year 4 Mr Golding – Year 3 / 4 Mrs Bell – Year 3 Mrs Quigg & Miss Dodd
This term I am learning…
Literacy and Numeracy In year 3 and 4 we group children according to their ability. We liaise with KS1 staff to help with groupings. These groups will be regularly monitored and reviewed to ensure that each child is progressing in line with their targets. Children will move groups if we feel it appropriate.
Reading Read a wide variety of reading material for a minimum of 15 – 20 minutes a day. Please encourage your child to talk about what they have read. We ask the children to include two ‘wonderful words’ or ‘fantastic phrases’ that they have liked from the book Reading record should be signed and dated by a parent on a daily basis. You can also leave a comment if you wish, but this isn’t necessary. PLEASE CHECK THAT YOUR CHILD HAS READ BEFORE YOU SIGN.
Homework All LKS2: literacy and numeracy homework will be given out on alternate weeks. Homework will be given out on Friday and due back on the following Thursday. The main homework focus is the learning log which will be explained later.
Homework Numeracy homework will usually be related to that week’s learning objectives. Literacy homework will be appropriate to the genre and focus of that week. It is there to consolidate learning that has previously taken place. Should be neatly presented (see homework rules at the front of your child’s book). Handed in on time. Signed by a parent/carer.
Times Tables/Spellings Practised at home on a daily basis. All numeracy topics taught in school require this knowledge. There will be weekly times tables/Learn It tests. Spellings are given out termly. There will be weekly spelling, grammar and punctuation tests every Friday. Spellings from new curriculum.
PE Kit PE kits must be left in school at all times and taken home every half term. If they are not in school then your child will not be able to participate in the lesson (We do not allow children to borrow another child’s PE kit). Girls – pair of socks and hair bobble in PE bag. Everything needs to be named. Games Kits only needed when their class are timetabled for outdoor sports (Half termly)
Swimming Children start swimming on Monday 30 th September. Need to bring swimming kit to school every Monday.
Book Bags We have provided children with their own book bag. These should be brought into school everyday with their reading books, reading record and any homework that is due in on that day. There is no need for the children to bring any other bag into school as we do not have the space to accommodate large school bags!
Behaviour Extremely high standards at all times. In class, at breaks, lunch and with any visiting teacher / coach. Following Instructions. Manners. Responsibility. After school clubs. Behaviour policy.
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