Rebecca Mollart – Director of Policy Midlands Regional Network 22 May 2012
Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh 22 May 2012 Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh Role of erosh Why we have changed Climate, challenges, opportunities and concerns Role of sheltered housing and support services What you can do How ERoSH can help Rebecca Mollart, 24 February 2011
Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh 22 May 2012 Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh We Raise awareness of the value and benefits of older people’s housing and support Celebrate housing with care and support for older people Promote sheltered and retirement housing schemes as community hubs Promote and influence joint working at all levels Disseminate policy information and good practice
Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh 22 May 2012 Original mission successful Sheltered housing has changed New political/policy environment Changing demographics New clients/models/services New members New raison d'être
Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh 22 May 2012 OR 29March201229March2012
Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh 22 May 2012 Staff Branding Logo Services Website 29March201229March2012
Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh 22 May 2012 Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh £6.5bn (12%) funding cuts to SP Public expenditure cuts/austerity Localism/Big Society Public health/social care/welfare reform Demographics/changes in wealth/more self-funders Emphasis on owner occupation/living well at home 90% older people in ordinary housing/housing for older people > 5% (Housing LIN, 2012) Rebecca Mollart, 24 February 2011
Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh 22 May 2012 Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh Services reduced/stretched Schemes/services decommissioned More large/fewer small providers Changing service delivery models Option/menu based services V economies of scale New providers/new workers Housing/support increasingly separated Personalisation, choice and VFM Rebecca Mollart, 24 February 2011
Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh 22 May 2012 Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh Choice, creativity, flexibility, responsiveness New approaches/less standardisation More people receiving some support Partnership working/different partners Greater service user involvement/empowerment Different funding sources/to different people Income generation Rebecca Mollart, 24 February 2011
Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh 22 May 2012 Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh Crisis v prevention Higher needs v lower needs Allocations/eligibility Choice v risk Quality/quality monitoring Resident/service user involvement Information, advice and advocacy Rebecca Mollart, 24 February 2011
Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh 22 May 2012 Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh Personalised, person-centred, outcome focused Preventative, low level, lower cost Community resource/hub/dissemination point/cheap location for other services – GP, CAB etc Relieves cost of other public services Helps achieve other services’ outcomes/agendas Key role in healthy living/active ageing/health & well-being/re-ablement Fits with “Big Society” Rebecca Mollart, 24 February 2011
Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh 22 May 2012 Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh Be clear what you offer and your USP Invite external challenge Highlight quality/value added elements Work with other providers Be proactive with other agencies Remodel costs to demonstrate VFM & cost benefits Keep proving positive outcomes
Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh 22 May 2012 Instant news/tweets Policy briefings/legislation updates Good practice resources and case studies Topic based discussions Access to expert advice – Ask erosh Signposting to other resources Monthly e-newsletter Events calendar Erosh “extras” 29March201229March2012
Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh 22 May 2012
Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh 22 May 2012
Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh 22 May March 2012
Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh 22 May 2012 Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh Visit and use Ensure all staff have access to Send us your own good practice Share your views, ideas and solutions Join/set up a regional network Use Ask erosh Tell us what’s happening in your area Help us influence and lobby
Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh 22 May 2012 Rebecca Mollart, policy director, erosh Rebecca Mollart Director of Policy, erosh Telephone: Mobile: Website: