Anti-Social Behaviour I will: Examine anti-social behaviour and its effects on the local community? Consider the use and effectiveness af ASBO’s? Consider methods of preventing young people from engaging in anti-social behaviour. Consider why people engage in anti-social behaviour.
Examples of Anti-Social Behaviour: Work in groups of four to complete the list. Think of as many examples as possible.
Is this anti- social behaviour? Why?
Is this anti- social behaviour? Why?
Is this anti- social behaviour? Why?
Is this anti- social behaviour? Why?
Is this anti- social behaviour? Why?
Anti-Social Behaviour The Crime and Disorder Act 1988 defines anti-social behaviour as "behaviour that is likely to cause alarm, harassment or distress to members of the public not of the same household as the perpetrator." In reality this means harassment, criminal damage, graffiti, vandalism, threatening behaviour, abandoned vehicles, noise, fly tipping etc. Anti-social behaviour is any activity that impacts on other people in a negative way. around 66,000 reports of anti-social behaviour are made to authorities each day. Anti-social behaviour poses a huge threat to our local communities. How?
Anti-Social Behaviour Orders ASBO’s originate from the Crime and Disorder 1998 Act. An ASBO can be applied for against any individual that is over ten years old (the age of criminal responsibility). Anti-social behaviour orders are meant to protect the community from behaviour that causes alarm or distress. ASBO’s prevent offenders from committing specific anti-social acts or going to certain areas. An order can even prevent somebody from associating with certain named people. ASBO’s lasts for a minimum of two years. A member of the public cannot apply for an anti-social behaviour order but local authorities, the police and registered social landlords can. However, they still depend on local people to collect evidence and to keep an eye out for breaches. If there are examples of anti-social behaviour in your area or if you have been the victim of such behaviour, you can approach the anti-social behaviour team at your local council or police station. They will look into your allegations and check the police, probation and social service records for the person concerned. The breach of an anti-social behaviour order is a criminal offence, for which someone can be arrested and imprisoned for a maximum of five years. People who receive ASBO’s can have their names made public.
Questions 1.What is anti-social behaviour? Give a definition not an example. 2.What is an Anti-Social Behaviour Order? 3.What do you think is the effect of ‘naming and shaming’ people who have ASBO’s? (Some think that the people with ASBO’s should be named and shamed – that them being in the public eye reduces the chances of them braking the order). (Others think that it is wrong to ‘name and shame’ because it reduces the chances of the person being able to turn their life's around because people will judge them. Also some think that people are proud of the publicity). 4. Why do you think people engage in anti-social behaviour? Who do you think is to blame?
A 13-year-old girl has been banned from going into Leeds city centre for causing trouble and leading a gang. Ellen Moore was given an anti-social behaviour order (ASBO) that also stops her going on buses on her own, and covering her face with a scarf or hood. She is reported to be the leader of a gang of kids called the Leeds Town Crew who caused lots of trouble there. If Ellen does any of the things the ASBO bans her from she could end up being locked away. Around half the members of the Leeds Town Crew - including Ellen's older sister Phillipa - have been given ASBO’s. Keith Wakefield, leader of Leeds City Council, said: "This is further proof of our determination to break up gangs who cause trouble on Leeds estates." He added that the council would carry on trying to get other trouble makers banned too. 1.Why did Ellen get an ASBO? 2.Do you think Ellen deserved an ASBO? Why? 3.How do you think the ASBO will effect Ellen?
Imagine being banned from nearly 80 of the streets in your home town for four years. That's what's happened to Lukon Straker, from Wolverhampton. He's been given what's called an anti-social behaviour order, because he's been in trouble so many times. It means if the 11-year-old is found in any of the 80 streets, he could be spending up to five years in jail. Lukon spent six months abusing and terrorising people in Wolverhampton with threats of violence. And as a result he is now the youngest person in the Midlands to receive an anti-social behaviour order 1.Why did Lukon get an ASBO? 2.Do you think Lukon deserved an ASBO? Why? 3.How do you think the ASBO will effect Lukon?
Preventing Young People From Being Anti-Social Work in groups of 4. Below are some suggestions of how to prevent young people from being anti-social. In your groups list the suggestions in the order of effectiveness (put the suggestions that you think would work the best at the top and those that you think would work the least at the bottom). Imprisonment Fines for their parents Curfews Electronic tagging Corporal punishment Community service Make them meet their victims For the top two punishments on your list you should state three points in favor of its use and three against. Write and rehearse a 3-minute sketch to illustrate how your most effective way would work in practice.
Questions 1. How do youth clubs and community schemes help reduce youth crime? 2. In what ways can parents do more to help cut crime? 3. Are there any schemes that have been or could be set up in the local area?