EU Developments
September Update ACER Framework Guidelines on interoperability rules Scoping paper still to be published Rather than conduct a consultation process ACER are to hold a workshop w/c 12 September to obtain stakeholder views Draft Vision of European Gas Target Model Consultation deadline: 20 th September 2011 Preliminary Consultation Report on Cost Benefit Assessment of Gas Quality Harmonisation in the EU Consultation deadline:16th September.
September Update (2) Capacity Allocation Mechanism (CAM) Consultation on CAM draft EU code had 56 responses ACER have now published their approved FGs NG NTS are to assess the responses and any changes to the FGs and will provide a further update in October The final EU code is still expected to be published in Jan 2012
EU Updates Timetable Timetable aims to highlight the key items (consultations, workshops, decisions, etc.) NG NTS expect to cover via this agenda item in the forthcoming months TopicTX Workgroup Overview of the final Gas Balancing Framework Guidelines to be published by ACER in September Overview of NG NTS’s views on the interoperability Framework Guidelines consultation Overview of NG NTS' views on the GL/Poyry Gas Quality Consultation Update on Moffat PRF Market Consultation CAM EU Code Update Oct 6 th 2011 Nov 3 rd 2011 Regional Investment Plan UpdateDec 1 st 2011 Jan 5 th 2012