RURAL TIME BANKING (of the reciprocal kind). What’s coming around Social exclusion in rural and urban areas Social exclusion in rural and urban areas.


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Presentation transcript:

RURAL TIME BANKING (of the reciprocal kind)

What’s coming around Social exclusion in rural and urban areas Social exclusion in rural and urban areas Facts about village life today Facts about village life today Exclusive countryside Exclusive countryside Bridges to participation Bridges to participation Growing your time bank Growing your time bank The global suicide economy The global suicide economy Food with the farmers face on it Food with the farmers face on it

SOCIAL EXCLUSION RURAL URBAN Scattered Scattered Affordability of housing Affordability of housing Low pay and seasonality Low pay and seasonality Concentrated Concentrated Quality of housing Quality of housing Unemployment Unemployment

More rural realities Distance Distance Isolation Isolation Poor access to jobs & services Poor access to jobs & services Urban myth of the rural idyll Urban myth of the rural idyll Tradition of self sufficiency Tradition of self sufficiency Bartering Bartering Self contained and mutually supportive Self contained and mutually supportive

Facts About Village Life Today 1.4 million of people have no academic qualifications 1.4 million of people have no academic qualifications 70% rural parishes = no village shop 70% rural parishes = no village shop 83% no GP in parish 83% no GP in parish 49% no school 49% no school 75% no daily bus service 75% no daily bus service Low income folk need 10,000 new affordable homes per annum, or second home owners could move out? Low income folk need 10,000 new affordable homes per annum, or second home owners could move out? Average income £9,900pa (1999) Average income £9,900pa (1999) Ref: Countryside Agency Ref: Countryside Agency

“Exclusive Countryside” Lack of visibility = harder to address social exclusion Lack of visibility = harder to address social exclusion Dispersal among affluent means area based work insufficient Dispersal among affluent means area based work insufficient New approaches to capacity building are required – no top down agendas, partnerships, short term funding New approaches to capacity building are required – no top down agendas, partnerships, short term funding Transport is the major barrier – reducing car ownership will only probably make things worse Transport is the major barrier – reducing car ownership will only probably make things worse Progressive gentrification = spatial exclusion Progressive gentrification = spatial exclusion Mark Shucksmith – Joseph Rowntree Foundation Mark Shucksmith – Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Bridges to participation Self employment Self employment Transport solutions Transport solutions Accessible training Accessible training Child care solutions Child care solutions Support networks and the informal economy Support networks and the informal economy Joseph Rowntree Foundation Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Growing your Time Bank Employ a local person Employ a local person Work with local leaders from day one Work with local leaders from day one Take on running local events - (FS Cinema – MADD) Take on running local events - (FS Cinema – MADD) Embrace whole community – you will be judged by groups that join up with you Embrace whole community – you will be judged by groups that join up with you Recognise self sufficiency Recognise self sufficiency Shop front for visibility Shop front for visibility Resources for relationship building Resources for relationship building Health and SSD need you Health and SSD need you It takes time. It takes time.

The Global Suicide Economy A product of human choices motivated by a love of money A product of human choices motivated by a love of money Absentee ownership Absentee ownership Monopoly Monopoly Concentrations of power Concentrations of power No obligations to people or place No obligations to people or place David C. Korten “Living Economies” David C. Korten “Living Economies”

Recent Farming Methods Polluting our environment Polluting our environment Eliminating jobs Eliminating jobs Dangerous working conditions Dangerous working conditions

THE CHOICE IS OURS Everyone needs and cares about food Everyone needs and cares about food Growing it is our most intimate connection to the land Growing it is our most intimate connection to the land Small scale organic produce brings: Small scale organic produce brings: Improved health Improved health Caring communities Caring communities Meaningful work Meaningful work Clean air and water Clean air and water Economic security Economic security

“Teikei” – food with the farmers face on it Community supported agriculture Community supported agriculture Time Bank co-workers Time Bank co-workers ‘Time for Organic Food Free’ ‘Time for Organic Food Free’ “Look mummy there’s our farmer” “Look mummy there’s our farmer” Pick your own Pick your own