10/12/2014 New Communication and Leadership Tracks
10/12/2014 Advanced Communicator Bronze (ACB) Achieved Competent Communicator award Completed two AC Series manuals
10/12/2014 Advanced Communicator Silver (ACS) Achieved ACB award Completed two AC Series manuals Conducted any two presentations from The Better Speaker Series and/or The Successful Club Series
10/12/2014 Advanced Communicator Gold (ACG) Achieved ACS award Completed two AC Series manuals Conducted a presentation from the Success/Leadership Series, Success/Communication Series or a Youth Leadership Coached a new member with the first three speech projects
10/12/2014 Advanced Leader Bronze (ALB) Achieved new Competent Leader award Achieved Competent Communicator award Served at least six months as a club officer Participated in the preparation of a Club Success Plan Participated in a district-sponsored club officer training program Conducted any two presentations from The Successful Club Series and/or The Leadership Excellence Series
10/12/2014 Advanced Leader Silver (ALS) Achieved Advanced Leader Bronze award Served a complete term as a district leader (district governor, division governor or area governor Completed the High Performance Leadership program Served successfully as a club sponsor, mentor or coach