Getting It Right for Young People in Employment 17 May 2012 | Birmingham ‘Youth – the time when you know everything except how to make a living’
when you were aged Think back… to 16 The writing is on the wall
Stand Up – Sit Down !
It’s All About You! You
Actively Seeking Work! The Challenges Young People Face Fear of failure Moving around makes it harder Help with Application forms and CVs Experienced People – May apply! Rejection Stigma Criminal Record
Being homeless, out of work and dealing with feelings I felt like I was trapped. I am scared that if I find a job and have to leave – I wont get the support I need. I did not know how to go about doing a CV let alone finding a job. I was broke and really wanted to earn money. I was isolated from my friends. I got obsessed wanting to find a job and applied for anything. I went for interview after interview and still got nothing. I felt useless. There is so much competition out there. I felt stupid and a waste of space. I felt like I was sponging off the state. I hated it and hated myself. Work was the last thing on my mind.
Help me to become independent What issues are important to young people? N.F.A. (No Fixed Abode) Paying Back I want to work Money, money, money Downward spiral
Working 9 to 5 ! What helped young people? Volunteering A foot on the ladder Help with travel costs/ clothes Benefits Advisors who are knowledgeable Believe in me
How you as professionals can make a difference to young peoples’ experience The small things really do make a difference
Employment Help me access the resources I need to find a job; internet, papers, travel expenses for interviews, clothes for interviews Try to understand if I have a child – it is going to be even harder for me. Help me find childcare and access to funds to assist with paying for it If you work at a Job Centre – ‘be’ bothered and believe me that I want to work. Help me fill in application forms, update my CV and prepare for interviews – not all young people have these skills If you are an employer – try different ways of interviewing. A five minute open conversations and it being more informal – because if I am less nervous – you will get the best out of me.
If you are my support worker, encourage me to apply for jobs – don’t let me do nothing. Don’t just send me a rejection letter – give me some feedback so I can get it right next time. Let me volunteer when you have vacant posts. This helps you and helps me get the experience that I need. Young people need help to prepare for interviews. Job Clubs are great to help you find work but when you get to the interview it is nerve-racking. Mock interviews would help. If you are not sure about hiring me – give me a two week trial. Employment
The NYRG Super Top Tips The essential guide to employment and young people Be supportive when I start work Help me to motivate myself! When starting work I need to know my rights and responsibilities Provide us with as many opportunities as possible Help me with the paperwork
One thing I am going to take away and do as a result of today is… ______________________________ It’s the little things that make a difference Getting it Right for Young People