Currently there are significant variations between PCTs and Practices in their understanding and implementation of: PBC Data Validation Information Provision Support Incentives
Secondary Care Information Systems provided by PCTs Ardentia CHKS Dr Foster Midas CBSA All re-present secondary data in a form which aids easier analysis, however, they are complex and time consuming to obtain information. They make reference to financial accountability but cannot provide data that identifies the coding errors which currently maybe as high as 30% (Source: National Association of Clinical Coders / Audit Commission) Executive Viewer PB Views MIS etc…
Innovative commissioning support systems now being implemented
The Commissioning Business Support Agency Covers 17 PCTs in the West Midlands SHA representing 5.5 Million patients
AUDIT COMMISSION REVIEW OF NHS FINANCIAL YEAR 2006/7 - There is a growing concern over accuracy of PbR coding - Disputed balances were not resolved on a timely basis
These issues are arising from interpretation of 650 codes in HRG V3.5 which will increase to 2000 codes with the launch of HRG V4 in early 2009
Example of benefit from using iQ Budget Manager Sharon Snape – Practice Manager North Staffs Practice
The Audit Commission is responsible for ensuring that public money is spent economically, efficiently, and effectively to achieve high quality services for the public
Audit Commission Recommendations Providers of acute NHS services should :- Improve coding internally Ensure local information systems are in place to complement SUS Engage in discussions with commissioners about changing patient pathways, demand management, and use of local flexibilities, such as unbundling the tariff
Audit Commission Recommendations All PCTs should :- Adopt a robust yet proportionate approach to monitoring and challenging provider activity and costs under contract, prioritising investment in practice level information systems so that practices can engage in the planning and monitoring of hospital activity Further develop commercial, legal and contracting skills, identify gaps in line with developing World Class Commissioning competencies
Audit Commission Recommendations All PCTs should :- Continued …. Focus on demand management (care and resource utilisation) initiatives. Ensure that sufficient resources are devoted to these initiatives
Trusts and PCTs have been slow to engage these recommendations believing that it will prove confrontational and difficult to administer
Healthcare Financial Management Association Membership comprises all Trust and PCT Financial Directors / Senior Managers
“Clinical engagement is core to the commissioning process in both primary and secondary care, and practice-based commissioning, at the heart of World Class Commissioning, is a key component. For PBC and commissioning in general to deliver their full potential, accurate clinical coding is essential. Where practices identify inaccuracies, PCTs should support and encourage the improvement of data quality by Trusts and, where inaccuracies are proved to be correct, PBC data and budget spends should be corrected by PCTs. This exercise is determined locally, but without support from PCTs for practices engaged in PBC, they will become disillusioned and a major component of World Class Commissioning will fail.” Department of Health
iQ BUDGET MANAGER One Product – Two Vital Tasks Validating Secondary Care Charges which impact on Indicative Budgets and Analysing Demand Management Information to support Preparation and Monitoring of PCB Plans
Overview of key features of Budget Manager The key to understanding and managing Charge Coding (HRG and Clinic Codes) Delivers the HRG code and tariff by describing the patient condition in ordinary terms The key word search will check patient condition against 160,000+ terms in Read Code V3.0 (all clinical systems use V2.0) Also automatically references OPCS and ICD10 to filter the description System automatically displays the HRG and anticipated charge based on the National Tariff. Local and Split Tariffs can also be accommodated
Overview of key features of Budget Manager Continued …. Enables referrals/discharges to be analysed against HRG, provider, speciality, episode type, practitioner, patient, pathway, referral status and cost etc Numerous reports can identify areas of concern e.g. GP referring patterns, overcharging care providers, high incidence procedures, high cost procedures, incorrect charges and the reasons behind them etc.
Brief Demonstration of IQ Budget Manager Version 2.