Life in the Middle Ages 5 th to the 15 th Century.
Think to yourself for 30 seconds about your own routine at home. When do you get up? How do you get to school? What do you eat? What do you do after school? Now share in your groups, explain to each other what your routine is. Listen to others when they are speaking and do not interrupt each other. You have one minute each to explain. Your Routine
Learning Objectives 1)To investigate what life was like in the Middle Ages. 2)To compare modern life to medieval life.
Me: Medieval Male Peasant: Medieval Female Peasant: Medieval Lord or Lady: Medieval Knight: Learning Objectives: 1) To investigate what life was like in the Middle Ages. 2) To compare modern life to Medieval life.
POPULATION 1.5 million people POPULATION 60 million people RELIGION Catholic LANDSCAPE Lots of countryside RELIGION Protestant LANDSCAPE Little countryside EDUCATION Not many can read or write EDUCATION Nearly everyone can read and write LIVING Large cities and towns, few villages LIVING Few towns, lots of small villages HEALTH No one knew what caused or spread disease HEALTH People know about germs and how they can spread disease MONARCHY Ruled by King Edward the Confessor MONARCHY Ruled by Queen Elizabeth I REGIONS Country split into earldoms REGIONS Country split into local councils GOVERNMENT Country run by King and advisers GOVERNMENT Country run by parliament and MPs JOBS Not many jobs, generally farming. JOBS Lots of different jobs LIVING Large cities and towns, few villages HEALTH People know about germs and how they can spread disease
POPULATION 1.5 million people RELIGION Catholic LANDSCAPE Lots of countryside EDUCATION Not many can read or write LIVING Few towns, lots of small villages HEALTH No one knew what caused or spread disease MONARCHY Ruled by King Edward the Confessor REGIONS Country split into earldoms GOVERNMENT Country run by King and advisers JOBS Not many jobs, generally farming. POPULATION 60 million people RELIGION Protestant EDUCATION Nearly everyone can read and write MONARCHY Ruled by Queen Elizabeth I REGIONS Country split into local councils GOVERNMENT Country run by parliament and MPs JOBS Lots of different jobs LIVING Large cities and towns, few villages HEALTH People know about germs and how they can spread disease LANDSCAPE Little countryside
Learning Objectives 1)To investigate what life was like in the Middle Ages. 2)To compare modern life to life medieval life.
EXIT PASS You can not leave the classroom until you have told Mr Cooper one thing that you have learnt in today’s lesson!