True or False? 20 questions
Question 1 Sound is a transverse wave False its longitudinal!
Question 2 Waves are vibrations True!
Amplitude is the maximum distance from the normal of a wave Question 3 Amplitude is the maximum distance from the normal of a wave True!
Question 4 Frequency is measured in Lambda ( ) False! It is measured in Hertz!
Radio 1 FM (88-91MHz) has a shorter wavelength that BBC 5 Live MW Question 5 Radio 1 FM (88-91MHz) has a shorter wavelength that BBC 5 Live MW (693-909 kHz) False!
Question 6 You cannot reflect all waves False! It is a property of waves!
False! Think of the Electromagnetic waves! Question 7 All waves are visible False! Think of the Electromagnetic waves!
Question 8 Diffraction is where waves change direction due to a change in speed False! This would be refraction!
Question 9 A Tsunami is made of lots of little waves creating one big wave as in interference of waves False!
In sound the higher the frequency the higher the note Question 10 In sound the higher the frequency the higher the note True!
Question 11 A wave will travel faster in a more dense material False! It will travel slower!
Question 12 Gamma radiation has the highest frequency of the waves in the electromagnetic spectrum True!
All waves of the electromagnetic spectrum can pass through the body Question 13 All waves of the electromagnetic spectrum can pass through the body False! What about light?
Question 14 In stars a red giant is hotter than a blue dwarf and has a higher frequency False! Blue hot is hotter than orange hot and gives off a higher frequency!
Question 15 Waves can go around corners False! They travel in straight lines! (Unless they diffract!)
Digital signals have a range of frequencies Question 16 Digital signals have a range of frequencies False! Digital signals don’t have a frequency in the sense we use it here.
Question 17 Optical fibres use dispersion to transfer from one end to the other False! They use Total Internal Reflection!
Question 18 When sunlight passed through a raindrop it splits into a spectrum of colours. This is because sunlight is made up of different frequencies and wavelengths. True!
Question 19 A “ noisy” wave is a bad thing. Noise is interference but can be corrected. True!
Write down as many uses of each type of wave as you can Question 20 Write down as many uses of each type of wave as you can