Sport England’s Active People survey shows the percentage of the adult population participating in at least 30 minutes of sport, at least moderate intensity at least 3 times a week The National Office of Statistics produced the household survey in It has details on the number of people taking part in sport in the last 4 weeks. You will need evidence from both of these to support claims in your leaflet.
Women have lower participation rates than men – You will need to back this up with facts. Can you name sports where women’s participation is experiencing a meteoric rise – Can you find figures to back this up? Can you name sports where women’s participation is greater than that of their male counterparts?
Why? – In your merit explanation, you will need to touch on some or all of the following, giving examples: – The UK is a male dominated society – Sport is dominated by men – There are many more male role models in all but a handful of sports Can you name them? – Women have historically been stereotyped by men into domestic or child care roles. – Media coverage is biased heavily towards males – There has been a culture shift since the mid 1990’s, with more acceptance of women’s sport. This has allowed women’s sport to flourish. – There are now a lot more female journalists and presenters than in the past.
This term refers to groups with a common genealogy, united by cultural, linguistic or religious traits. It has lots of effects on sports participation – White ethnic groups have high participation – People of Pakistani origin have low participation rates You will need to find statistics to back these up – Some ethnic groups are better represented in some sports than others Use an example or two here. Again think about players of Indian and Pakistani origin, as well as sportspeople of Afro- Carribean heritage. – It may also influence other people’s attitudes towards us.
Why – Merit You will need to look at the statements you have put in your leaflet and explain why this is the case. For example: – Why is Pakistani participation in sport lower than white participation in sport? – Why does participation in some sports vary from one ethnic group to the next?
In terms of sports participation – Young people tend to choose more contact sports – Older people who are still active prefer more individual sports – Participation rates are greatest in age category and drop markedly post 55. Find statistics to back up all of these. In 2006, new legislation made it illegal to discriminate against anyone on the basis of their age. This has had a positive effect on older people wishing to work in the sports industry.
For the Merit, try to answer both of the following questions: – Why do young people tend to choose more contact sports. – Why does participation drop off markedly after the age of 55
It is no surprise that the more affluent social groups show a higher level of participation than all others. Can you find data to back up this assertion? Socio-economic classification puts people in groups based on their occupation, and therefore income. It tends to split into 6 or 7 groups. These groups were first designed and used in the mid 20 th Century. They are a little crude, but still give a good indication of the effects of socio-economic class on participation.
To get the Merit, there are a number of areas that you could discuss. – Essentially why is that the higher the income the higher the participation? They can afford it? They have the time? – Unemployed have time, but low participation Are they more educated and therefore know the benefits of participation? They are more motivated? They had a better education, therefore exposing them to more sports, so they have the skills to participate?