Settlements: Map Work By the end of this lesson you will: Know: that OS maps can give clues to patterns of settlements Be able to: recognise housing types identify zones from the urban land use models
Central Business District (CBD) Inner City Old Industrial Zone New Industrial Zone Inner Suburbs Outer Suburbs
Central Business District Main road coming together May have an inner ring road May have churches, a hospital, cathedral, museum, tourist information Map copyright: Ordnance Survey
19th Century Housing Straight rows of small houses Streets close together Little or no green space Often close to factory, rail or canal Map copyright: Ordnance Survey
Housing 1920 - 1950 Houses usually have gardens Streets usually straight Schools and parks nearby Map copyright: Ordnance Survey
Modern housing Further from the CBD Houses usually have gardens Houses often in small groups Schools and parks nearby Map copyright: Ordnance Survey
Old Industrial Area Often found along a river, railway or canal Large buildings Factory may be shown as works Map copyright: Ordnance Survey
New Industrial Area Towards the edge of town Usually close to main roads Look for label ‘Ind est’ or ‘Science Park’ Map copyright: Ordnance Survey
Unscramble the Key Words cheatedd raterced mies hated - ed renin yitc talnrec subnises dittserc rubbuss artlusidin asera
Unscramble the Key Words detached terraced Semi-detached inner city Central business district suburbs Industrial areas