 starter activity Take a card and decide which voting system is represented.


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Presentation transcript:

 starter activity Take a card and decide which voting system is represented.

Is PR such a bad thing? To assess the strengths and weaknesses of the UK adopting PR in elections  Aims

Evaluating electoral systems McNaughton has suggested 4 principal objectives: McNaughton has suggested 4 principal objectives: Decisive govt. Decisive govt. Political representation, with seats in prop. to votes Political representation, with seats in prop. to votes Social representation, with representatives in prop. to social make up of society Social representation, with representatives in prop. to social make up of society Choice between candidates & parties Choice between candidates & parties

 Your task Look at the table on the next slide, and apply Naughton’s criteria to the different voting systems. What score do you give each system? Compare your results with the Box 4.7 in Roberts, p.66. Look at the table on the next slide, and apply Naughton’s criteria to the different voting systems. What score do you give each system? Compare your results with the Box 4.7 in Roberts, p.66.

10 points allocated to each aim. 10 points if objective is totally reached and 0 if the objective is totally ignored. System1234Total FPTP List STV AMS SB AV

System1234Total FPTP List STV AMS SB AV776727

 Your task Does the use of PR encourage small parties? Read Watts, p.52 and note evidence it does or does not create small parties. Does the use of PR encourage small parties? Read Watts, p.52 and note evidence it does or does not create small parties.

 Your task Read p and complete a table noting the evidence of that experimenting with PR has had a positive or negative effect in UK elections Read p and complete a table noting the evidence of that experimenting with PR has had a positive or negative effect in UK elections PositiveNegative

Plenary Plenary Give 3 reasons why the UK should use PR in GEs Give 3 reasons why the UK should use PR in GEs Give 3 reasons why PR should not be adopted Give 3 reasons why PR should not be adopted

 Extension task Produce a factoid for the class with information on the different voting systems used around the world, the representation of smaller parties, voter turnout and government stability Produce a factoid for the class with information on the different voting systems used around the world, the representation of smaller parties, voter turnout and government stability

 Homework Prepare for a slip test on electoral systems Prepare for a slip test on electoral systems Your teach will give you your first practice paper on voting systems Your teach will give you your first practice paper on voting systems