The recovery process Imagine you have just run a marathon Write down what factors will influence how quickly the body can return to is pre-activity state
The recovery process Fitness level of athlete Duration of the exercise Recovery from Exercise: How long a body takes to recover from exercise will be dependant on many factors Fitness level of athlete Re-hydrate during event + carbohydrate & electrolytes Duration of the exercise Length of recovery Intensity of the exercise Active cool down Environmental Humidity Environmental Temperature The recovery process involves returning the body to it’s pre-exercise state
The Recovery Process Re-synthesis of ATP stores EPOC or Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption. The amount of oxygen consumed during recovery above which would have ordinarily been consumed at rest in the same time. Remember that additional oxygen is consumed to maintain an elevated rate of aerobic respiration. The elevated rate of aerobic respiration is used to provide the energy to?????? :- Re-synthesis of ATP stores Re-synthesise phosphocreatine stores Remove lactic acid Maintain elevated heart rate & breathing rate (to remove carbon dioxide & supply additional oxygen)
The Recovery Process The recovery process comprises of two main components:- The alactacid component and lactacid component. The alactacid component occurs first and restores the stores. The energy for these reversible, endothermic reactions is made available by the aerobic breakdown of The alactacid component takes between minutes and uses up to 4 litres of oxygen It takes approximately 30 seconds to resynthesis 50% of PC stores ATP and PC fats and carbohydrate. two and three
The Recovery Process Main features of the lactacid component: Lactic acid accumulated during exercise must be removed. Lactic acid is converted back to Pyruvic acid enters the cycle and metabolised aerobically to and (over 60% of lactic acid is used as a metabolic fuel). Remaining lactic acid is taken to liver as lactate and is then re-synthesised to glycogen and stored in the liver The process takes about an hour and can use between 5 and 8 litres of oxygen. pyruvic acid Krebs carbon dioxide water
The Recovery Process Glycogen and fat replenishment:- In most cases eating a well balanced diet will ensure replenishment of stores, although many athletes prefer to eat a high carbohydrate diet. Stores should be back to normal after approximately 10hours, but can take as long as 48hours if training/ activity has been particularly hard and sustained. Eat a high meal a few hours before training/competition. Consume a glucose based drink during training/competition (little and often) Eat a high carbohydrate meal after training/competition. carbohydrate
The components of exercise recovery Excess post oxygen consumption (EPOC) A=Alactic/ fast replenishment B= lactacid/slow component O2 deficit a Steady state O2 consumption Rest b End of exercise end of recovery
What is oxygen debt? Oxygen debt is used to compensate for oxygen deficit. This deficit is the amount of extra oxygen required to complete the exercise if all the energy could have been supplied aerobically. NB as oxygen is not available for use to replenish ATP in the first three minutes of exercise a deficit will always occur.