There was much argument about the validity of replacing formal gymnastics with this new movement based lessons.It was 20 years later before the department of education replaced the Two programmes of the 1950’s with “Physical Education in the Primary Years” Concurrent developments were the growth and interest in “Circuit Training” for both sport, general fitness and Weight Training. The trend in secondary education was towards a broader range of activities within P.E. Programmes using off-site facilities. A drawback to this trend was the “Inch Thick…. Mile Wide” syndrome- DISCUSS?
The 1970’s-80’s have been referred to as a period during which many teachers were “Wandering in the Wilderness” with “Fads and Fancies”-DISCUSS? Consequently the 1988 Education Reform Act was passed leading to the development of the present National Curriculum with P.E. as one of it’s FOUNDATION SUBJECTS. The subsequent inclusion of Literacy and mathematical initiatives in the Primary school has seen an erosion of time allocated to P.E. This erosion of allocated time ha also occurred in secondary schools to make way for other demands upon curriculum time. GCSE and A level P.E. have developed but this is optional.
Qualifications BED’s 1970 A Level , Sport & Leisure studies GNVQ Leisure & tourism BSC – 1996 Health & Fitness Specific degrees – Golf course management
Task: (maybe for homework): Find out about the National curriculum When was it introduced? What are it’s main aims What is included in it Etc…
The National Curriculum is “balanced & broadly based, and which promotes the spiritual,moral,cultural,mental & physical development of pupils at the school and in society and prepares the pupil for the opportunities, responsibilities and experience of adult life
It has to provide a broad and balanced curriculum. The programme must provide an opportunity for the pupils to :- Participate Fully Have equal access Follow a Programme of study Adhere to Key stages and attainment targets in
Swimming Athletics Dance Gymnastics Striking & fielding Invasion Net & wall Outdoor Ed PE curriculum came about in August 1995
Programmes of study The programmes of study set out what pupils should be taught in each subject at each key stage, and provide the basis for planning schemes of work. Attainment targets and level descriptions An attainment target sets out the 'knowledge, skills and understanding which pupils of different abilities and maturities are expected to have by the end of each key stage
ABOUT THE PE ATTAINMENT TARGET AND LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS The attainment target in PE sets out the knowledge, skills and understanding that pupils of different abilities and maturities are expected to have by the end of each key stage. Attainment targets consist of eight level descriptions of increasing difficulty, plus a description of exceptional performance above level 8. Each level description describes the type and range of performance that pupils working at that level should characteristically demonstrate.
Key Stages Key Stage 15-7 Key Stage Key Sage Key Stage
New Direction 80’s Child centred More formative feedback Assessment Learning targets Pupils involved Partner work Additional certifications Health Focused Cross curricula Local community links
THE LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS In PE the level descriptions show progression in the four aspects of the knowledge, skills and understanding set out in the programme of study. 1.acquiring and developing skills 2.selecting and applying skills, tactics and compositional ideas 3.evaluating and improving performance 4.knowledge and understanding of fitness and health
Curriculum 2000 The statutory requirement to teach the programmes of study at key stages 1 and 2 is reinstated. To establish a more effective framework for planning, four key strands are identified in the programmes of study, which apply in all areas of activity: Acquiring and developing skills; Selecting and applying skills, tactics and compositional ideas; Evaluating and improving performance; and Knowledge and understanding of fitness and health. At key stage 2, the number of areas of activity that have to be taught has been reduced from six to five.
Curriculum 2000 At key stage 3, four areas of activity, including games, have to be taught. This replaces the requirement for full and half areas of activity in the current programme of study. At key stage 4, two areas of activity have to be taught. Games activities becomes an option, although schools will be expected to provide games activities for all pupils who wish to participate in them.
An eight-level scale with level descriptions has been introduced to clarify and support progression and to simplify assessment. The government has stated that two hours of physical activity a week, including the national curriculum for physical education and extra- curricular activities, should be an aspiration for all schools, throughout all key stages.
Why have the National Curriculum ?
The National Curriculum has four main purposes. To establish an entitlement The National Curriculum secures for all pupils, irrespective of social background, culture, race, gender, differences in ability and disabilities, an entitlement to a number of areas of learning and to develop knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes necessary for their self-fulfilment and development as active and responsible citizens.
To establish standards The National Curriculum makes expectations for learning and attainment explicit to pupils, parents, teachers, governors, employers and the public, and establishes national standards for the performance of all pupils in the subjects it includes. These standards can be used to set targets for improvement, measure progress towards those targets, and monitor and compare performance between individuals, groups and schools.
To promote continuity and coherence The National Curriculum contributes to a coherent national framework that promotes curriculum continuity and is sufficiently flexible to ensure progression in pupils' learning. It facilitates the transition of pupils between schools and phases of education and provides a foundation for lifelong learning.
To promote public understanding The National Curriculum increases public understanding of, and confidence in, the work of schools and in the learning and achievements resulting from compulsory education. It provides a common basis for discussion of educational issues among lay and professional groups, including pupils, parents, teachers, governors and employers.
Transition in english elementary schools Therapeutic drill p.t. Syllabuses instructor trainer educator
Transition in english elementary schools Key developments C19th- European Roots -Ling and Guth Muths Forster Education Act Male Education compulsory for all children Model Course Compulsory military training in schools required to lay foundations of military spirit in the nation
Transition in english elementary schools Key developments Education Board Syllabus An attempt to reduce the military influence Syllabus of Physical training Written by Medical Board- Emphasis on Therapeutic Gym Syllabus Reflecting horrors of Great War- Introduced Recreational and Moral boosting activities
Transition in english elementary schools Key developments Syllabus of Physical Training Last Board of Education Syllabus split into 2 sections yrs and yrs 1944-Education Act Made secondary Education available to all children- Rebuilt schools after Blitz Moving and Growing Ministry of Education advisory P.E. publication followed by “ PLANNING THE PROGRAMME ”
Top Play Sporting Champions SportsSearch Active Kids Clubs Coaching for Teachers Sportsmark Activemark Top Sport
School sport has suffered from difficulties in the last 20 years-namely:- 1] The trend on the part of the local authorities to sell off schools playing spaces. 2] The growth of alternative sporting activities outside the immediate sphere of education. 3] The increasing difficulty of staffing an ever larger range of activities, with reduced budgets, manpower and time. A reappraisal of the place of school sport is underway partly because of the reasons outlined above and partly because of the increasing pressure of league and exam tables which does not reflect sporting achievements. DISCUSS?
Problems in PE Sell off playing fields’ Growth of alternative sports Reduced Budget Health & Safety Children's act League tables – sport not included Conflict with school sport Saturday fixtures Solutions Sports colleges Sports marks Schemes (see later)