PREACHING THE PSALMS Psalms: from Dead Sea Scrolls Speaking from the Book that Speaks for Us
PREACHING THE PSALMS Israel’s Praise and Prayer Book
Israel’s Praise Book Shaped with Purpose Preaching The Psalms BookPsalmsDoxologyOverall Theme and Purpose The Five Books Patterned on the Five Books of the Law (Pentateuch) :13Collection of Psalms of David: establishing of Israel’s King :18-19Prayers of David (Korah/Asaph) continuation under threat :52The failure of the Davidic monarchy: questions about God’s covenant love :48The experience of exile: assertion of God’s kingship The experience of restoration: praising the Lord of all
Israel’s Praise Book Preaching The Psalms Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, From everlasting to everlasting, Amen and Amen. Praise be to the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone does marvellous deeds. Praise be to his glorious name forever; May the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen and Amen. Praise be to the Lord forever. Amen and Amen. Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, From everlasting to everlasting. Let all the people say Amen! Then Psalms DOXOLOGICAL ENDINGS
Israel’s Praise Book Written as Poetry Preaching The Psalms 1.suits the purposes of prayer (reflection) and praise. 2.expresses, articulates thought and feeling, including the negative as well as positive. 3.recognisable patterns, yet flexible, adaptable to varied circumstance and mood. 4.blends mind and heart, theology and experience. 5.provides a dynamic existential framework for faith.
Israel’s Praise Book Poems with Patterns Preaching The Psalms 1.the Psalms are written in different forms (genres). These have been classified in varying ways, but tend to include the following: praise lament thanksgiving and others such as.... royal, wisdom, Torah, trust, testimony Psalms 2.recognising the genre is helpful, but not absolute; and genres often overlap in specific Psalms.
Israel’s Praise Book The Dynamic of Faith Preaching The Psalms disorientation orientation re-orientation lament thanks first move: a relinquishment Jewish suffering Jesus’ crucifixion second move: a surprise Jewish hope Jesus’ resurrection
Israel’s Praise Book The Book that Speaks For Us Preaching The Psalms Psalms us to voice our deepest thoughts and feelings. 2.enable us to speak individually and corporately. 3.were on the lips of Jesus, the faithful Israelite.
Israel’s Praise Book The Book so Full of God Preaching The Psalms In the Psalms you find a concentration of theological insight concerning God. 2.well-rounded picture of the majestic sovereign God who is loving and faithful. 3.balanced understanding of the transcendent and sovereign God who is involved in all of life. 4.God, who can seem absent, yet is very near. all the longing, all the hope of the Psalms fulfilled in Jesus Christ
The Christian’s Prayer Book The Book so Full of Christ Preaching The Psalms Christians embrace the Psalms, as they are, but also as they are in Christ, because 1.the Book of Psalms was the Praise Book of Jesus. 2.he used the Psalms in relation to his life and work. great David’s greater son, he fulfils the Messianic vision of the Psalms. 4.he represents us as the faithful Israelite.
The Christian’s Prayer Book The Book so Full of Christ Preaching The Psalms Christians embrace the Psalms, as they are, but also as they are in Christ, because 1.the Book of Psalms was the Praise Book of Jesus. 2.he used the Psalms in relation to his life and work. great David’s greater son, he fulfils the Messianic vision of the Psalms. 4.he represents us as the faithful Israelite.
PREACHING THE PSALMS Psalms: from Dead Sea Scrolls Speaking from the Book that Speaks for Us