Good Salespeople johnpc ltd: John Cunningham
johnpc ltd: Good Salespeople What they have What they know What they do
3 things good salespeople have johnpc ltd: Good Salespeople
What they have johnpc ltd: Interacting with people Emotional intelligence Focus and balance Work Ethic Managing complex information Intellectual Horsepower
5 Things good salespeople know johnpc ltd: Good Salespeople
They know their own stuff Products Processes Environment Strategy johnpc ltd: What they know
They know their competition Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats johnpc ltd: What they know
They know their customers Business People Competitors Suppliers Customers Challenges johnpc ltd: What they know
They know that it’s their job to keep everyone else in theirs johnpc ltd: What they know
They know they live in a world of red & green arrows: You have to want to be there johnpc ltd: What they know
5 things good salespeople do johnpc ltd: Good Salespeople
What they do They spend their time in the top right hand corner Player Troublemaker Spectator Victim johnpc ltd:
They continually develop and leverage their network johnpc ltd: What they do
They use their time wisely and don’t waste: their own their customers their colleagues johnpc ltd: What they do
They qualify the resonating focus of their customer & match their value proposition to it johnpc ltd: What they do
They deliver their numbers on a consistent basis johnpc ltd: What they do
One other (really important) thing Bounce Purposeful Practice johnpc ltd:
The answer to the question Good salespeople are not born not made? They create themselves through hard work. “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better” Jim Rhon johnpc ltd: The answer to the question
Good Salespeople johnpc ltd: John Cunningham