Subject Leader Development Meeting March 2010
Programme Session 1 Andy Dark from Prometheon will demonstrate the active expressions software and consider how this might be used in the classroom to promote more active teaching and learning Session 2 Functionality, Problem Solving and Quality of Written Communication (QWC) What resources are available? Are pupils ready for this new type of question? What are the implications for teaching and learning?
Objectives: To gain an awareness of ICT developments and they can be used to enhance teaching and learning To provide an opportunity to explore more fully developments in Secondary mathematics.
Session 4 Functionality, Problem Solving and QWC “HOTS not MOTS” “HOTS not MOTS”
Quality of Written Communication Often indicated by * in SAMs Students will be assessed on their ability to: write legibly, with accurate use of spelling, grammar and punctuation in order to make the meaning clear select and use a form and style of writing appropriate to purpose and to complex subject matter organise relevant information clearly and coherently, using specialist vocabulary when appropriate.
Quality of Written Communication In pairs, consider how you might tackle the question. What skills (mathematical and otherwise) are being assessed? What are the possible barriers, misconceptions, issues etc. for pupils? In pairs, produce a model solution then share with others on the table
AQA Unit 2 non- calculator Foundation (≈ Grade D)
What does FS looks like at GCSE?
Functionality What progress have you made so far? Do you have plans for further development?
Sources of Inspiration … SLN website OCR exam papers Text books ……
Road Signs Can you name these road signs from the highway code?
Give way to traffic ahead No entry No left turnRoad narrows on both sides Traffic can pass either side Staggered junction (left then right) No access for cars Two-way trafficNo stopping No U-turns Mini RoundaboutNational Speed Limit RoundaboutOncoming traffic has priority Two way traffic crosses one-way road Humpback bridge Max. speed 40mph Zebra crossingStop and give way Crossroads Road Sign Answers
Progression in Problem Solving Consider the APP level criteria for levels 2 – 8 Decide on an order of progression within the strand Focus on 1 or 2 level descriptors,
Next Steps Needs to be modelled by the teacher Needs to build on work done in primary Seek advice, guidance from English colleagues Pairs of pupils presenting to others (links to peer assessment AfL) Pupils writing a revision note on “how to …”