Backwards Design for Standards-based Education


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Presentation transcript:

Backwards Design for Standards-based Education Highlights of the Work of Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe By Marianne Kenney Social Studies Instructional Specialist

Welcome Back! Today’s Desired Outcomes Awareness/Refresh on what is backwards design Awareness/Refresh on how to develop rubrics Commitment to develop/improve UbD unit Stage 2 Stage 3 Differentiation

Entrance Slip Using the Frayer Organizer Individually define “Backwards-Design” Numbered Heads Together

Wizardry 4 Wizard: 3 Proficient 2 Regular 1 Novice Absolutely/Always - I could be teach this class!  3 Proficient Yes/Usually - I can do this.  2 Regular Sort of/Sometimes - Workin’ on it.  1 Novice No/Never - Haven’t even started yet Ask about comfort level with rubric development, authentic performance assessments, strategies for differentiation.

3 Stages of “Backward” Design Identify desired results Determine acceptable evidence Plan learning experiences & instruction. Then and only then

Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence Is set in a scenario that replicates or stimulates the ways in which a person’s knowledge and abilities are tested in real-world situations? Requires judgment and innovation. Will the students use their understanding and skills to solve a problem? Asks students to “do” the subject instead of reciting, restating, or replicating through demonstration what he/she was taught or already knows. .

Developing Authentic Tasks You are a …..(adult role, professional) ….who must successfully (perform, produce) ….for (audience, client) ….thus, accomplishing (purpose, result) ….which reveals and understanding of (big ideas, standards) ….and skill at…..

Blooms Taxonomy Performance Assessment should be at a higher level of thinking. Assessments should allow students to: Analyze Synthesize Apply

Develop Rubrics Must be used with UbD assessment since there is no one right answer. Should measure the quality of the student understanding, application, or analysis. If standards are our goals, shouldn’t they be the rubric criteria?! The performance levels become the observable actions that give us the evidence they have met the standards.

Just the Highlights Using the Rubric Checklist and the rubric provided, highlight the parts of the rubric that correlate to the components in the checklist. Work with a partner Use the migration rubric

Now it’s your turn… With your partner brainstorm a list of what you expect to see in the student work that demonstrates mastering the proficiency of the standards you are assessing. Keep the list manageable and focus on the most important abilities, knowledge, and skills expected. Be specific and concrete, use Bloom’s verbs and descriptive, meaningful adjective

Peer Consultation With your partner, develop a description for the proficient level for one of the standards you are assessing You have 7 minutes Here are some examples….

For Example Building a Highway Across Africa Example: Geography Standard 2.1 Students know the physical and cultural characteristics of places An indicator that students have met this standard… Provides reasons for the new route that incorporate accurate information regarding the physical and cultural features of places on the route

Another Example Geography Standard 5: How humans affect the environment Indicator: Students can accurately describe and explain how serious pollution, invasive species, and loss of habitat effect the Great Lakes

Let’s try one together Use Highway across Africa

Highlight Deconstruct your performance assessment by highlighting the: Declarative knowledge Skills This is what must be taught in your unit!

3 Stages of “Backward” Design Identify desired results Determine acceptable evidence Plan learning experiences & instruction. Then and only then

Stage 3-Plan learning experience and instruction Purpose: To align the curriculum with each of the standards/benchmark they are using Making connections - very high quality planning Plan instructional strategies - how will they teach the standard? Coop learning? Think-pair-share/ Jigsaw? Lecture? How will you prepare students for the product or performance?

Organize by W.H.E.R.E. W = Where are we headed? and why? (from the student’s perspective) H = How will the student be ‘hooked’? E = What opportunities will there be to be equipped and explore key ideas. R = How will we provide opportunities to rethink, rehearse, refine and revise? E = How will students evaluate (so as to improve) their own performance?

The Placemat Work with your partner to fill in the placemat for your unit You have 10 minutes

Which of these objects is most like you?

Similarities In your newly formed group discuss any characteristics you have in common You have two minutes – yikes!

Using Pre-Assessment to Guide Differentiation Tells us: What students already know about a topic The levels of interest in a study Further instruction needed What requires re-teaching and enhancement How to organize groups

Formative Assessment Gives information about student progress toward benchmark/grade-level knowledge and skills. Identifies targets for remediation, modification or enrichment.

Post Assessment information about student achievement toward benchmark skills and knowledge; evidence of what the student has learned; feedback that helps the teacher evaluate and modify instruction.

Assessment Strategies Checking for Understanding Assess before teaching. Provide feedback early and often.

Fist of Five Ask: How well do you feel you know this information? Show the number of fingers on a scale, with 1 being lowest and 5 the highest. I know it so well I could explain it to anyone. 4. I can do it alone. 3. I need some help. 2. I could use more practice. 1. I am only beginning.

Yes/No Cards Y E N S O Using a 4x6 index card the student writes YES on one side and NO on the other. When a question is asked the students hold up YES or NO. Ask the students if they know the following vocabulary words and what they mean. Call out a word. If a student is holding a YES they may be called on to give the correct answer. Remind them that if they don’t know the words it is OK because they will be learning them. You can do the same thing with conceptual ideas, etc.

Exit Pass

A RAFT is…. an engaging, high level strategy that encourages writing across the curriculum a way to encourage students to: …assume a role; …consider their audience; …write in a particular format; …examine a topic from a relevant perspective. All of the above can serve as motivators by giving students choice, appealing to their interests and learning profiles, and adapting to student readiness levels.

An Example The Feudal System Students will: Describe the social characteristics pf feudalism in Europe. Understand: the interdependency of roles in the feudal system; a person’s role in the feudal system will shape his/her perspective on events. Be able to: conduct research; see events through varied perspectives; share research & perspectives with peers.

Feudal Pyramid RAFT Role Audience Format Topic King The Subjects Proclamation Read my lips, New Taxes Knight Squire Job Description Chivalry, is it for you? Lord Contract Let’s make a Deal Monk Masses Illuminated Manuscript Do as I say, not as I do Serf Animals Lament Poem My so called Life

Now it’s Your Turn Read over the lesson provided Accessibility Chart: What strategies/activities lend themselves to differentiation?

Closure Whip Around Thank You for your energy and enthusiasm!