Provide you with idea of the work, the life and image of a locum GP Practical tips for preparing and setting up How do to keep organised How to arrange the finances How to find work Pitfalls Support structures
Anyone thinking about locuming?
Let’s imagine a day in the life of 2 locums
Flexibility - Starting times, finishes - Visits or no visits? - Annual leave and study leave No or few heartsinks Variation in patients, people and location Better work life balance Take less work home Less bureaucracy
Lack of continuity Harder but not impossible to fulfil appraisal needs Some people like stability Insecurity Clinical behaviour ?more referrals/Ix Shock to the system to switch back – paperwork, extras, visits, scripts!!!
PMETB CCT GMC Primary Performer’s List confirmation letter Medical Indemnity (number of sessions) CRB check CV! Serology
Register as self employed with HMRC (within 3 months of starting) Need to ask for an NI contributions form when registering self employed Buy own equipment Consider A-Z map or Sat Nav Insure your car for business use
A must!! Has to be fairly detailed to protect you and practices Rates, Start and finish times, duties covered in depth – incl. Number of visits, paperwork, scripts etc. Cancellation policy and charges for late payment How to pay – BACS or cheque – details of account number Date by which payment expected
Always send confirmation by or letter Be clear about how you work and know what is expected of you What computer system do they use? Record in paper diary with back-up, mobile diary, Google calendar(on the cloud) Excel earnings sheet – amounts, dates, when payment due etc
Itemised list of duties and pay Clear final total Late charges warning Account details if BACS transfer preferred When giving an invoice give in FORM A and must be returned to you
Rates – can’t discuss, anticompetitive! First How much do I need to earn? mortgages/cars/shoes - How much holiday do I want to take/can I? - No sick leave – PHI, 6 month safety net - Must take into account taxes/NI/Pension contributions
Second Is this long-term vs. short term work? - On-call duties - Average rates -recent survey Medeconomics - Hourly - £ Day rates - £200 – ½ day + visits- £200 – hour surgery - £ Complicated depending on how you work - Business like – discounts for more sessions?
Ideally have a separate current account for business Cheque or BACS payments Pension contributions – must be in at WYCSA/equivalent by 7 th of following month - FORM A and B - Cheque with pension NI on direct debit or 6 monthly payments
Put aside money for TAX/Class 4 NI Need money for tax in the January of the following year + ½ of predicted income for that tax year too Then more needed in the next July Savings account/off-set mortgage Apply for mortgage before becoming self employed
Keep all receipts – GMC, CCT fee, NASGP, MPS, RCGP, petrol, MOT, car insurance, Equipment Need to do mileage log twice a year Mobile phone bills Computers/internet Courses Sat Navs/Maps
Get an accountant early!
Work as a freelance locum Work for an agency (not pensionable) Work as a limited company (tax benefits but not pensionable) Working in a Locum chambers OOH work – LCD -
Ask your current PM Personal visits or telephone calls to PM - Need a good covering letter and CV Sleeping with.... Your own Website People you know/meetings Websites – BMJCareers, Pulse, Healthcare Republic LMC –
Also, how do you keep it....reliability! - Be early - Your reputation precedes or follows you - Clear referral letters - Clear concise notes - If you like the practice, favours go a long way - Never cancel unless absolutely essential
Practices not paying/late payment Last minute cancellations Additional work being given Disorganised practices Taking on too much work Being fresh meat and not negotiating Safe handover to colleagues and admin staff
NASGP Sessional groups – First5 Google Group Working in locum chambers Friends Meetings – ask salaried/partner friends
Questions ?