Cancer Summit Wirral Cancer Intelligence Data Andrea Hutchinson Public Health Information Specialist January 2014
Overview – New Cancers The number of new cases of cancer has been on the rise, with a 25% increase in new cases, from 1620 cases (1993) to 2018 (2011). The number of new cases of cancer has been on the increase (25%), from 1620 cases (1993) to 2018 (2011). Wirral’s rate is slightly higher than the England average for 2011 with a SRR 107 The most common cancers during (2009-11) in men; Prostate (27%), Lung (16%) and Colorectal (13%) Women Breast (28%), Lung (14%) and Colorectal (12%)
Overview – Mortality Death rates gradually decreasing over time SMR <75 years is slightly below Eng average – SMR 98 All ages is higher – SMR 106
Trends – Breast Maybe due to improved detection and the Breast Screening Programme in 1998 Rates have remained lower than the England average, with some variation however we are still close to the England average Breast Cancer Incidence has increased by almost two-fifths (38%) Rates have remained lower than the England average, with some variation
Breast Cancer Mortality Incidence Breast cancer incidence is lower - SRR 98.8 (95% CI 92.2-105.7) than England & NW average Breast cancer mortality <75 years is lower - SMR 94.7 (95% CI 76.9-115.3) than the England average
Trends - Lung New cases in Lung cancer in females has gradually increased with some variation over the years. The rates seen in 2011 with a SRR of 132 compared with SRR 118 In males Wirral have seen a reduction from 1993, however there has been some variation with peaks in 1998,2001,2007 New cases of Lung cancer in females has gradually increased In males Wirral have seen a reduction
Lung Cancer Incidence Mortality Lung cancer Incidence is almost 30% higher than national average in both males and females. With females observing a slightly higher rate than males SMR 131 (95% CI 118-144) Deaths from lung cancer is 30% higher in males and 40% higher in females. In all ages this is 20 higher than the national average - SMR 122 males and 34% higher than the national average in females SMR 134 Lung cancer Incidence is almost 30% higher than national average in both males SRR 128 (95% CI 117-140) and females SRR 131 (95% CI 118-144) Deaths from lung cancer is 30% higher in males SMR 127 (95% CI110-145) and 40% higher in females SMR 140 (95% CI 120-161)
Trends – Colorectal Females Colorectal cancer cases is lower than the England average Rates of Colorectal cancer in males is slightly higher than the England average SMR -102 Females Colorectal cancer cases is lower SMR - 88
Colorectal Cancer Mortality Incidence Rates are lower in males for new cases SRR 99 (95% CI 89-109) and mortality SMR 82 (95% CI 62-106) Females is slightly higher than the average with SRR 106 (95% CI 96-118) for new cases and the death rate is 20% higher in females SMR 119 (95% CI 90-155)
Trends – Prostate Most common cancer in men 2-fold increase in the rate of prostate cancer cases. Rates have risen sharply from 1993 (SRR 57) to SRR 118 in 2011. this may due to the introduction of the PSA test Most common cancer in men 2-fold increase in the rate of prostate cancer cases Rates have risen sharply from 1993 SRR 57 to SRR 118 in 2011
Prostate Cancer Incidence Mortality 15% higher than England average in new cases of prostate cancer SRR 116 (95% CI 109-125) Death rate < 75 years is the same as England, SMR 100 (95% CI 73-132) however deaths in all ages is higher SMR 113 (95% CI 98-129)
Trends – Cervical Jade Goody effect saw a rise in new cases from 2008 -10, with over a 200% increase in newly diagnosed cases in Wirral from 7 cases (2008) to 23 in (2010) this rise has since tailed off Cervical cancer rates have shown significant variation over time, with a decline in the number of new cases diagnosed in Wirral. Jade Goody effect saw a rise in new cases between 2008 -10
Cervical Cancer Mortality Incidence Cervical cancer rates is 22% higher than the national average – again these figures will be part of the rise due to the jade goody effect However, Death rates from cervical cancer in <75 years is 38% higher than national average - SMR 138. The death rate in all ages is even higher with a SMR 143 – 43% higher than the national average, its important to note this is very small numbers with only 22 cases in the 3 year period (2009-11) Cervical cancer rates is 22% higher than the national average SRR 122 (95% CI 93-159) Death rates from cervical cancer in <75 years is 38% higher than national average - SMR 138 (95% CI 75-231)
Breast Screening Breast screening coverage is good in Wirral. Above the minimum standard of 70%. However there is huge variations in Wirral with poor uptake seen in some of the most deprived areas of Wirral – have we got any plans/ initiatives to improve screening uptake rates??
Cervical Screening Cervical screening coverage is slightly lower than England average with a total coverage of 78% in 2012/13. Again there is variations in the coverage rates in Wirral when it is broken into the two age group 25-49 years coverage (70.6%) and in the 50-64 years 74.4% for 2012/13
Bowel Screening Bowel screening uptake has seen a variation in uptake in recent years with 51% in 2007/08 – 55% in 2012/13. Age extension began in 2010 for 70-74 years
5- year Survival The graph shows 5 year cancer survival for all cancer diagnosed in2006 followed up to 2011. Cheshire, Warrington and Wirral CCG have the lowest survival rates when compared with England and the other areas
1- year Survival However when you look at 1-years survival in 2011 for Wirral discrete CCG the rate is 65.3, lowest being Vale Royal and the highest Western Cheshire
Wirral 2013 compendium of statistics For further information……. Wirral 2013 compendium of statistics Wirral JSNA Andrea Hutchinson Public Health Intelligence Team Wirral Council 0151 666 5143