Real Solutions Post Winterbourne- a Providers Perspective
Is It So Hard to Achieve?
Setting the Scene Reforms to the Health and Social Care Sector continue alongside the recent publication of ‘Out of Sight’. DoH final response to Winterbourne- local services for local people - community based services, developed around an individual. Care minister Norman Lamb promises to monitor progress to ensure community services replace winterbourne- style hospital provision for people with learning disabilities. 6 months for assessment, a further 12 months for placement.
People with a learning disability should have choice and control over where they live, who they live with and how they are supported. Valuing People Now DoH (2009 )
Since 1993 and the closure of long stay hospitals for people with learning disabilities, services have not been sufficiently well developed and well organised to serve them. Placements have broken down as people are no longer able to support them. This means people are often moved from one placement to another over again, causing great distress to them and their families. MANSELL (DOH) 2007
Everyone in society has a positive contribution to make to society and that they have the right to control their own lives. DoH 2005
Last year, before his untimely death, Professor Jim Mansell spoke at a North West positive behaviour support conference. I asked him about cynicism in the workforce and he replied with barely a pause: “You have to ensure that you get staff that do the job from the heart”. Steven Jones, SPACE Training Community Care www. Feb
Build services around individuals not ‘place’ individuals into services
A culture of open listening, questioning and reflection
The use of language- kicking out kicking off Labelling or diagnosis alone tends to influence perceptions and resultant emotions. Terminology can cause prejudice, creating a ‘them and us’ attitude and culture. Moir and Alexander 2008
Walking and working alongside people
‘An Inpatient philosophy to manage and support individuals with mental disorder in their own homes’ ‘Slow Stream patients’ Safe areas, calm areas, open seclusion. CTOs
Real Solutions to person centred care Post Winterbourne Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.