A Sense of Place The role of LSPs in shaping their area
Welcome Presented by Peter Johnson Programme Manager
Progress through Partnership Progress to date! Presented by Peter Johnson Programme Manager
What does ptp hope to achieve? Develop a programme that is peer-led Develop an understanding of the potential that LSPs offer and help them mature Help LSPs be ready for the demands arising out of the new Local Government Act Influence national policy development Help LSPs play their part in developing the next round of LAAs Ensure there is on-going capacity in the SE to support partnership working
Progress to date Putting a team in place - all appointed Communications - and establishing the ptp brand Website went live 4 th May First newswire released, first newsletter planned for end May Forging links with sub-regional improvement partnerships and capacity building pilots in other regions Developing a ‘Community of Practice’ web presence for LSP practitioners and partners
Progress to date Supporting and collaborating with LAA pilots and feasibility studies in the region Self Assessment forms distributed and on-line portal live, deadline for return 18 th May Practitioner Associate recruitment about to begin Delivered two regional events
Next steps Draw down of Central Fund will be available from end May – county areas looking to partly or fully share the resource Detailed liaison with county areas to explore how to make the most of the central fund Practitioner Associate ‘training’ to start in September Work with LAA pilots and feasibility studies to share learning across the region Will deliver a further three regional events by end July
Thank you Presented by Peter Johnson Programme Manager