Tuesday 24 th September 2013 Year 10 Partnership Evening This powerpoint can be downloaded from the school website.
AIMS Moving on from Key Stage 3 to 4 Our support Parental Support Hard Work Government Updates Questions
MOVING ON… KS3-4 Our Support Parental Support Hard work
MOVING ON… KS3-4 Our Support Outstanding teaching Carefully planned programme Strong pastoral system Track record of success
MOVING ON… KS3-4 Our Support Outstanding teaching Controlled Assessment Exam + = GCSE See pg 43
MOVING ON… KS3-4 Our Support Outstanding teaching Controlled Assessment Usually a project based extended piece of work completed in school. It is treated like an exam Can be in HIGH, MEDIUM or LOW controlled conditions. Usually completed in Year 10 and CAN NOT be redone. Usually marked by teachers and moderated by the exam board. See pg 40-42
MOVING ON… KS3-4 Our Support Outstanding teaching Controlled Assessment Exam + = GCSE
MOVING ON… KS3-4 Our Support Outstanding teaching Exam Most exams will be in Year 11 from start of May to end of June In year 10 students will have exams in… Science Core Statistics Citizenship See pg 43
MOVING ON… KS3-4 Our Support Outstanding teaching Controlled Assessment Exam + = GCSE
MOVING ON… KS3-4 Our Support Outstanding teaching GCSE Most students will achieve 10½ GCSEs
MOVING ON… KS3-4 Our Support Outstanding teaching Carefully planned programme Strong pastoral system Track record of success
MOVING ON… KS3-4 Our Support Carefully planned programme See pg 3 Autumn Term Progress Report Parent / Teacher Consultation Spring Term Progress Report, Mock Exams, Full Report Summer Term GCSE Exams, Test week, Careers Week, Test Results
MOVING ON… KS3-4 Our Support Outstanding teaching Carefully planned programme Strong pastoral system Track record of success
MOVING ON… KS3-4 Our Support Strong pastoral system Tutors Mentors Mrs Thompson, Gaynor & Gill David Mrs Godfree
MOVING ON… KS3-4 Our Support Outstanding teaching Carefully planned programme Strong pastoral system Track record of success
MOVING ON… KS3-4 Our Support Track record of success KS3 levels GCSE Grade A / A* B C
MOVING ON… KS3-4 Our Support Track record of success GCSE Projection 85% 5A*-C grades (including English & Maths) (In we achieved 80% 5A*-C Eng & Ma & 40% As & A* grades)
MOVING ON… KS3-4 Our Support Parental Support Hard work
MOVING ON… KS3-4 Parental Support Checking progress (journal / OnePlace) Attendance Diet, nutrition & exercise (and sleep!) Routines/ working space at home
MOVING ON… KS3-4 Parental Support
MOVING ON… KS3-4 Our Support Parental Support Hard work
MOVING ON… KS3-4 Hard work I never realised the big jump between year 9 & 10 …I wish I had managed my time better …I wanted to know how to revise & the best ways to do it
GOVERNMENT UPDATES Changes in Career Provision Changes in Exam structure Financial squeeze on schools Raising the Participation Age
GOVERNMENT UPDATES Changes in Career Provision We offer a Work-Related Learning Programme starting in Year 10 designed to; give students a broad experience of potential careers and pathways allow students to experience what working life is like broaden their knowledge about the local labour market, and develop their own personal skills
GOVERNMENT UPDATES Changes in Career Provision Practically this 5 day programme consists of; Visits to a number of Guildford companies, ranging from Barratt Homes to Eagle Radio, and Surrey Research Park to G Live. A Personal Development Day Participating in an Enterprise / business Game run by local business people Meeting over 50 local business people, learning providers and current uni students and apprentices to chat about their own experiences and career paths A Sixth Form and College introduction day
GOVERNMENT UPDATES Changes in Career Provision Changes in Exam structure Financial squeeze on schools Raising the Participation Age
GOVERNMENT UPDATES Changes in Exam structure Linear approach Greater emphasis on written communication (SPAG) Speaking & listening in English GCSE has gone Greater proportion of marks given to exams so success in CA is vital.
GOVERNMENT UPDATES Changes in Career Provision Changes in Exam structure Financial squeeze on schools Raising the Participation Age
GOVERNMENT UPDATES Financial squeeze on schools Are you eligible for Pupil Premium / Free School Meals? You are eligible if you or your child meet one or more of them. Income Support Income based Jobseekers Allowance Income related Employment and Support Allowance Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 the Guarantee element of State Pension Credit Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not exceed £16,190
GOVERNMENT UPDATES Changes in Career Provision Changes in Exam structure Financial squeeze on schools Raising the Participation Age
Thank you for attending The powerpoint and curriculum booklet can be downloaded from the school website. QUESTIONS