Club/Society/Project Name: South Yorkshire School Games Level 3 Location: Shaw Lane, Barnsley Assessment Date: 3 rd July 2013 Assessment Approved by: Ivan Oliver Activity (e.g. Tri-Golf/GFX/ Super Sixes): Tri-Golf Signature: RISK ASSESSMENT Tri-Golf Skills Challenge Hazard Observed Who may be harmed? Consequence (C) What’s the worst thing that can happen? Likelihood (L) Risk rating before controls C x L Control MeasuresCalculation of Risk (after control measures) EXAMPLE Environmental Hazards (indoor & outdoor). Pupil, staff, leaders HarmfulPossibleModerate During set up, all areas and surfaces to be checked for damage, also check there is sufficient space for games and surface is suitable (i.e. too hard / soft). Acceptable Any objects on the ground Pupils, Staff, leaders Slip or trip injuries PossibleModeratePlaying surface to be checked to highlight areas which may be uneven. Acceptable Likelihood UnlikelyPossibleLikely Consequence Slightly harmful Harmful Extremely harmful TrivialAcceptableModerate AcceptableModerateSubstantial ModerateSubstantialUnacceptable Action must be taken to remove or reduce risk. If reasonably practicable take some action to reduce risk No action required. RISK CALCULATOR
RISK ASSESSMENT Tri-Golf Skills Challenge Hazard Observed Who may be harmed? Consequence - what’s the worst thing that can happen? Likelihood (L) Risk rating before controls (C x L) Control MeasuresCalculation of Risk (after control measures) Person being hit by golf ball. Pupils, Staff, Leaders, Spectator s Minor injuriesPossibleModerateGames organised/ set up as follows to reduce risk of injury: Safety areas placed 3m (3 club lengths) behind children’s hitting area. Only one club and ball is used per teeing area. Maximum two tees per game. Children should not run with clubs. No real golf balls used on school grounds. Tri-golf balls are soft foam and clubs are plastic. Adapted Golf Xtreme balls are lightweight 30% and will not cause damage. All equipment stored away from children waiting to play in safety area. A “STOP” command is shouted and made clear in safety talk at start of activity in case anyone moves out the of the safety area whilst not taking part. Children will only hit when leader says so. Check all behind safety area. Children not playing to be behind red safety cones at all times. All children hit golf balls under controlled conditions into the same target area and in same direction. No one should be in danger of being hit with ball. All golf clubs checked before start of play for any breakages. Acceptable Children falling over PupilsMinor InjuriesPossibleModerateThe activity involves running to fetch balls and coming back to hitting area. All surfaces to be checked to make sure they are clean, free from rubbish and not slippery. Acceptable Children left alone with coach Pupils, Staff with a minor Not possible ModerateAll work to be carried out in groups and with teacher present if using an outside coach. All coaches are CRB checked and qualified Tri-golf / Golf Xtreme coaches. Toilet breaks to be managed. Acceptable
Hazard Observed Who may be harmed? Consequence - what’s the worst thing that can happen? Likelihood (L) Risk rating before controls (C x L) Control MeasuresCalculation of Risk (after control measures) Physical InjuryPupilsMinor InjuriesPossibleLowAll children embark on warm-up activity before session begins. Coaches should be aware of any child’s medical history / disability. All equipment used is suitable for the children’s ages (Primary -Tri-golf, Secondary – Golf Xtreme). Acceptable Collisions with other participants during the activity PupilsMinor InjuriesPossibleLowInstructors ensure there is good group control during the session. Acceptable RISK ASSESSMENT Tri-Golf Skills Challenge Action requiredResponsible personCompletion Date Weather – if hot make sure the children have suitable rest and recovery during competition and also they are fully hydrated Action plan agreed with (signature) Date: Coach / Teachers