EDUCATION DURING APARTHEID Separate schools for different races Black schools overcrowded –up to 70 pupils in one class Over 50% schools in townships had no electricity or indoor toilets Many Black and Coloured schools were poorly equipped Teachers were paid more to work in white schools
EDUCATION NOW Curriculum 2005 is the name of the governments plans to improve education It is now compulsory for all South Africans to go to school for at least 10 years (usually 6-16) Schools are now mixed racially Teacher training has improved New subjects and new ways of teaching have been introduced
EDUCATION NOW Have things changed? After a slow start Curriculum 2005 is now seen to be working well. Exam pass rates have increased to over 75% in 2005 Attendance has become part of the culture and is very high Many thousands of schools have been integrated
EDUCATION PROBLEMS NOW Around 40% of schools in Township and rural areas still do not have electricity. Although the government spends a huge amount on education (21% of their total spending) -many schools still face a shortage of books and other equipment. There are teacher shortages in some Township and rural areas.
HOUSING DURING APARTHIED Different races has to live in different areas –Blacks and Coloureds had to live in Townships or homelands Poor conditions in Townships –e.g. 12million people with no clean water and 20million without indoor toilets. 7million living in squatter camps
HOUSING NOW Government promised to build 1million new homes by 1999; they have met the target but only by The government have provided water to over 7million people The government have provided electricity to over 2million homes The government have introduced cheap mortgage schemes to allow people to buy their homes
HOUSING PROBLEMS NOW Shortage of housing-over 6 million live in squatter camps and millions more in overcrowded accommodation in Townships and rural settlements. Housing in towns (where only whites lived during apartheid) is very expensive.Only the Black and Coloured Middle Class can afford to lice there.
Social progress The government have put into place policies through RDP and GEAR These policies have tried to improve life for all South Africans These policies have tried to reduce the inequalities caused by apartheid In education and housing the government have made progress but there is a lot still to be done.