National School Initiatives
PESSCL Strategy Introduced in 2003 Target – “to increase the percentage of school children who spend a minimum of two hours a week on high quality PE” “At least 2 hours in curriculum time” “An additional 2 hours beyond the school day”
PESSCL STRATEGY 2 hours PE, 2 hours extra curricular 8 Strands 1.Specialist Sports Colleges 2.School Sport Partnerships 3.Professional Development 4.Step into Sport 5.School/Club links 6.Gifted and talented 7.Swimming 8.PE and Sport investigation
Save work Computer Students PE SM unit 14 GCSE PE Name your file as Head of PE name – slide ??
PESSYP Strategy Launched in 2008 Investment of £755 million Carry on work of the PESSCL strategy Main difference – aimed at 5-19yr olds rather than 5-16yr olds “5 hour offer” “At least 2 hours in curriculum time” “An additional 3 hours beyond the school day”
PESSYP Strategy – 9 strands 1.Club links – 2.Coaching – recruit more coaches 3.Competition – provide more competitive opportunities 4.Disability – clubs 5.Extend activities – broader range 6.Gifted and talented 7.Infrastructure – work of the SSPs 8.Leadership and volunteering – involve more people 9.Swimming – more opportunites
What have they kept from the PESSCL strategy? What have they changed? Dropped or added?
PESSCL Strategy Introduced in 200 Target – “to increase the percentage of school children who spend a minimum of _____ hours a week on high quality PE” “At least __ hours in ________ time” “An additional __ hours beyond the school day”
PE_____ Strategy Launched in 200 Investment of £755 million Carry on work of the PESSCL strategy Main difference – aimed at 5-__yr olds rather than 5-___yr olds “__ hour offer” “At least __ hours in curriculum time” “An additional __ hours beyond the school day”
School Canteen Fizzy drink 8Hash brown 1 Crisps7Cheese Panini 1 Chocolate bar 14Bacon or sausage barm 5
Healthy Schools Programme This was introduced as a long term initiative designed to make a big difference to the health and achievement of young people. THIS IS A WHOLE SCHOOL APPROACH NOT JUST PE! Intention – young people will make informed health and life choices in order to reach their full potential which will hopefully create healthier children who do better in learning and life.
Healthy Schools Programme 4 Strands 1.Personal, Social and Health Education - sex, relationship and drug education - knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their lives. 2.Healthy Eating - gives pupils the understanding to make healthy food choices. - Healthy food and drink are available across the school day.
Healthy Schools Programme 4 Strands 3.Physical Activity - Pupils are provided with a range of opportunities to be physically active. - understand how physical activity can help them to be more healthy and how physical activity can improve and be a part of every day life. 4.Emotional Health and Well Being -Vulnerable individuals and groups -Anti - Bullying policy -Behaviour and rewards policies -Pastoral system
Emotional Health and Well Being
Vulnerable Individuals and Groups What groups of people in this school would you say are vulnerable? Due to being vulnerable these people tend to be picked on.
Anti Bullying What is the purpose of an anti bullying policy? Why do school’s have an anti bullying policies? Bullying
Behaviour Policy What is the purpose of a behaviour policy? Why do school’s have a behaviour policy? Rewards Policy Why have one?
Pastoral System How does the pastoral system work in our school? Why do we have one?
Our School All pupils to have 2 hours of Physical Education. Large range of extracurricular activities. We enter everything that we can.
SMPN Football, Badminton, GolfBasketball HLWS Athletics, Gymnastics, Trampolining, Badminton Dance, Netball PRTR Running – Athletics, NetballFootball, Cricket MDEN Football, Badminton, GolfAthletics
School PE – Encourage Participation What do we do? What could we do? 1.Attitude of staff (positive and negative) – numbers of opportunities 2.Experience of staff – range and type of provision 3.Outside visits to other sporting providers 4.Links to local sports clubs 5.Range of extra curricular activities 6.Facilities 7.Exam based courses 8.Leadership Opportunities Montgomery High School
Pathways from School Sport Amateur Professionals Careers What ways can you continue with sport when you leave school? What is the difference between amateur and professional sport?