Add the following to the glossary at the back of your book Fixed Joints Slightly movable joints Movable joints Cardiac muscle Involuntary muscle Voluntary muscle
Charlie Adam Liam Tancock
Principles of training When planning any training, you have to apply the principles of training. The principles can be easily memorized using the mnemonic, SPORT. Specificity Progression Overload Reversibility Tedium SPORTSPORT
Principles of Training S – pecificity Your training must relate to your sport. Think about what fitness you want to improve and what skills you want to improve. There is no point in doing weight training to build up your strength if that wouldn’t help you in your sport! There is no point spending a lot of time improving your muscular endurance if you are a 100m sprinter.
P – rogression Your training must progress each time you train. It must make you work harder. If you train for 30mins each night for a week you would then progress by training for 40 mins each night the following week. If you tried to do 50 sit ups every night for a week you would then progress by trying to do 60 sit ups every night the following week.
O – verload You must overload your body when training. Make it work at an intensity harder than it is used to working at. If you played football twice a week and wanted to improve your fitness, it would not be enough to continue to just play football twice a week. You would have to do something extra eg go running twice a week as well.
There a number of ways to progress and overload your training F – requency – increase how often you train eg increase from 4 times to 5 times a week. I – ntensity – increase how hard you train eg if you are lifting 20kg weights, increase to 25kg weights. T – ime – increase the length of time you train eg if you train for 45 minutes, increase to 60 minutes.
R – eversibility If you stop training your fitness levels will return to what they were before. If you have been training for a period of time eg 4 weeks, and then you stop training, your fitness levels will then return to what they were before you started training.
T – edium Training must be made interesting to avoid boredom (tedium) Doing one training method each day for a couple of weeks would become boring. You should vary your training.