Section 5: Aisles Bus Stop Arms These bus stop arms are very effective for clearly identifying to customers where the “special offers” can be found when they are looking down an aisle. Bus stop arms will be visible as people walk past the aisle ends. Dump bin Wraps Wrapping for dump bins or displays at the aisle end or in the centre of an aisle. These dump bin wraps are a durable corrugated wrap. (Dimensions : 56cm X 40cm X 76cm To Order: fill in order form Within the aisles, a number of different POS elements have been introduced to further communicate a value message to customers and clearly identifies where the special offers can be found.
Section 6 : PA Point of Sale TV Medium Barker 95mmx204mm Supplier : Dexter item Code : Cost : £12.31 per pack Pack Size : 300 barkers TV Medium Barker Holder Supplier : Dexter Item Code : Cost : £7.82 Pack Size : 20 TV Large Barker 95mmx297mm Supplier : Dexter item Code : Cost : £11.31 per pack Pack Size : 200 barkers TV Large Barker Holder Supplier : Dexter Item Code : Cost : £10.72 Pack Size : 20
Section 6 : PA Point of Sale A4 Landscape Blank Supplier : Dexter item Code : Cost : £3.02 Pack Size : 50 A4 Landscape Filler Please contact marketing department. A4 Portrait Blank Supplier : Dexter item Code : Cost : £3.02 Pack Size : 50
Section 7 : Frozen The freezer areas can be one of the most difficult areas within any SuperValu store to professionally display POS. However, as shown below, the following POS element have proven to be very successful during trials to address this problem. This photo illustrates how this fixture can be applied to open-chest freezers. It is recommended that the A4 holders are rotated to an angle as this allows the offer to be communicated as a customer is looking down the aisle. The blank A4 fillers should be inserted in the back of these A4 holders. This element is also ideal for freezer gondola ends. Open-chest Freezers
Open-chest Freezers with overhead shelf For those stores which have shelves above the freezer, the white adhesive profile can also be used. The strip should be placed onto the underside of the shelf, this would then enable the suspension of the A4 poster holders. Open-chest Freezers with no divider The white adhesive profile would not be recommended for use for those stores which have freezers with no divider. There are two solutions available : Solution 1 : A4 landscape Perspex Holder This holder simply clips onto the basket of the freezer as shown. Ensure that you put a A4 landscape barker on both sides of the holder. Supplier : Unipos Michael McMaster Tel : Solution 2 : Telescopic Stand Most SuperValu stores would be familiar with this fixture. The Telescopic stand simply sits within the freezer and the A4 holder is fixed onto the stand. It is recommended that the A4 holder is rotated at an angle so that the offers are clearly visible when looking down the aisle. Section 7 : Frozen A4 Holder Supplier: Dexter Item Code: Pack: 10 Cost: £14.67 Telescopic Stand Supplier: Dexter Item Code: (pole) / (base) Pack: 10 Cost: £32.11
Section 8: Serve Over/Deli A4 landscape poster holders are used to aid in the communication of deli special offers. They are manufactured from perspex and hence are durable and easily cleaned. Simply place the holder onto the counter top (as shown below) and the A4 landscape poster is then placed within the holder. A4 Perspex holder without a poster A4 Perspex holder with a poster Supplier: Shop Equipment Tracy Hood Tel :
Section 9 : Produce/Bread The Fruit & Veg/Bread areas can be utilised to effectively communicate both value and quality messages in a professional, consistent manner. Illustrations below for the two current fruit & veg units and bread unit.
“Skytrack” Metal Strip This metal strip is supplied in metre lengths and must be professionally fitted to the timber ceiling of the Units. Supplier :Shop Equipment Tracy Hood Tel : Clips These clips are simply placed into the groove of the metal track and are used for holding the poster holders which communicate product/price details. Supplier :Shop Equipment Tracy Hood Tel : A4/A3 Poster Holders This A4 poster holder can be fixed to the clip in either a portrait or landscape style. The poster simply slips into the holder. Supplier :Shop Equipment Tracy Hood Tel : Section 9 : Produce/Bread
Magnet Clip that attached to the metal ceiling of the unit The Magnet clips are simply placed to the metal ceiling of the Fruit and Veg unit (as shown above). These are used for holding the poster holders which communicate product/price details. Supplier :Shop Equipment Tracy Hood Tel : A4/A3 Poster Holders This A4 poster holder can be fixed to the clip in either a portrait or landscape style. The poster simply slips into the holder. Supplier :Shop Equipment Tracy Hood Tel : Section 9 : Produce/Bread
Section 10: Quality Messages Fresh Food Quality Messages These posters should be placed intermittently between the That’s Value A4 landscape posters. These messages provide consumers with a quality message and health benefit properties of fruit & veg. Customers can read our quality messages as they walk through the fruit and Veg. section of the store. To order – As part of the POS Kit In addition these messages are available in landscape 30 X 40 mobiles for creating theatre in the produce area. These messages should encourage customers to purchase more fresh produce and create theatre within this section of your store..
Section 11: Own Label SOL Medium Barker 95mmx204mm Supplier : Dexter item Code : Cost : £12.31 per pack Pack Size : 300 barkers SOL A4 Landscape Poster Supplier : Dexter item Code : Cost : £3.02 Pack Size : 50 Own Label Own Label is a category requiring pos support to drive consumer awareness and ultimately lead to increased sales. The own label POS range includes: Generic Window bill Generic Shelf Talker Blank Shelf Talker Blank A4 Landscape poster To order A1 generic poster and generic barker - part of kit Own label PA point of sale – To order - on Dexter
Section 12: Off Licence We have a new design for Off Licence barkers to highlight offers within this category. OFL Medium Barker 95mmx204mm Supplier : Dexter item Code : Cost : £12.31 per pack Pack Size : 300 barkers OFL A4 Portrait Poster Supplier : Dexter item Code : Cost : £3.02 per pack Pack Size : 50
Section 13: Order Form Please complete the order form for overleaf. All those elements which are identified as being “within kit”. Please note that for those elements which are supplied by Unipos or Shop Equipment, you should contact these companies directly. All Dexter items can be ordered in the normal way. Please bear in mind your budget when ordering your kit. The completed order form must be signed by Owner or Store Manager – no signature / no order will be accepted. Stores will be charged for all POS elements ordered.
Store Owner / Manager’s Signature: ________________________________________