General Practice Assessment Questionnaire Data Hetherington Group Practice 2013/14 55 responses
Q1: How helpful do you find the receptionists at your GP practice?
54 responses [100%]
Q7 / Q8
Q9/10: How quickly do you usually get seen [when you want to see a particular doctor]?
Q11/12: How quickly do you usually get seen [when you are willing to see any doctor]?
Q13/14: How long did you wait for your [most recent] consultation to start?
77% 17% 6% Yes No Don't know Opening Times Q15: Is the practice currently open at times that are convenient to you? Don’t know Q16: Which of the following additional opening hours would make it easier for you to see or speak to someone? No Yes
Seeing doctor of choice Q17 : Is there a particular GP you usually prefer to see or speak to? Q18 : How often do you see or speak to the GP you prefer? Yes No There’s usually only one doctor in my surgery
Q19 – 23 How good was the last GP at:
Q24: Did you have confidence and trust in the GP you saw or spoke to?
Q25 – 29: How good was the last nurse at:
Q30: Did you have confidence and trust in the nurse you saw or spoke to?
Q31-33How well does the practice help you to:
Q34: Overall, how would you describe your experience of your GP surgery?
Q35: Would you recommend your GP surgery to someone who has just moved to your local area?
Comments The best GP practice in the area!! Overall Patient care is excellent!! I have always been happy with the staff and treatment that I have received in the past and I know that this will continue into the future, a great practice. Lot better than most local practices! More nurse appointments available, especially outside 9-5 Changing systems to see GP gets confusing- I do not like the new system as your to give details of health to receptionist in order to get seen. Also GP does not have overall sense of conditions as hard to see same GP which is very important if you have ongoing health conditions as provides consistency and avoids the need to explain over and over again but also an understanding as to how things impact overall health.
Dr Jayesh Patel I would like to say is an amazing Dr, one of which others should take note of. He actually listens as well as helps This was once the best practice in Brixton, a real pioneering institution. Since you've taken over Pavilion practice and changed the appointment system, it has totally collapsed. The main partners are of doing other jobs, the place lack coordinates, a sense of care and purpose. Dr Burton would be ashamed of you all. Well run with great help from front desk I have been at this practice for 30+ years. It is excellent
Demographics of the Survey