Year 9 Handling Data Task
Mindmap – Begin by identifying the skills the pupils possess and how they link
Level 4-6 Skills Pictograms Bar Charts Pie Charts Labelled Stem and Leaf diagrams Key required Equal width Histograms Frequency Polygons Two-way tables For discrete and grouped data Scatter graphs Basic understanding of correlation Identify rogue values Understanding and drawing lines of best fit by eye Line graphs Understand that lines joining points may have no meaning Calculate: Mean Range Median Small data sets, both continuous and discrete Modal class Continuous data
Level 5-8 Skills Box Plots – understand the relationship between a box plot and a cumulative frequency curve. Cumulative Frequency curves: Finding Q1, Q2, Q3 and 0.5(Q3-Q1) and interpreting. Find the median and quartiles from a frequency table or list of discrete data. Justify which average is appropriate to the situation. Find an estimate of the mean from a grouped frequency table Distinguish between positive, negative and zero correlation using lines of best fit. Use y = mx + c to establish a relationship and appreciate that using the line of best fit to predict values outside the plotted range may not be reliable. Select and justify a sampling scheme, including random and stratified. Understand the terms primary and secondary data. Interquartile range = spread of the middle 50%, is centred on the median, and that it eliminates extreme values from the measure of spread.
2005 SATs Results - All Pupils Discuss the data that is available (in decimal form for Sets 1-4 or in integer form for sets 5 and 6) 2005 SATs Results - All Pupils 1 7.9 26 7.2 51 76 101 6.6 2 7.6 27 52 8.6 77 102 3 28 8.2 53 4.2 78 103 6.2 4 5.6 29 54 79 104 5 30 55 80 5.2 105 6 31 56 81 106 7 32 6.9 57 82 107 3.2 8 33 58 83 108 Also 2004 – All Pupils, 2004 & 2005 Girls, 2004 & 2005 Boys
Specify and Plan Discuss possible hypotheses – The two obvious ones are: “Boys are brighter than girls.” “2005 results were better than 2004” or the converse.
Sampling Data Discuss stratified, random and systematic sampling and the strengths and weaknesses of each Decide which one to use and ensure that you explain your reasons clearly, including why you didn’t use each of the other methods – be explicit.
In pairs do the following and then have a class discussion about some of the plans – highlight weaknesses and strengths and get pupils to amend theirs if necessary. Look at the data Decide on a hypothesis and record it How much data are you going to collect? How are you going to record your results? What graphs are you going to use? Why? What averages are you going to use?
Writing Frames provide a framework Hypothesis I believe that … I expect my research to show that … The reason I believe this is because …
Writing Frames provide a framework Sampling To complete this task I will need to collect …… pieces of data because … I am going to collect this data by … The reason I have chosen this method is … Plan I will draw … and … to display my results. The reason I will do this is because I expect it to show me that …
Writing Frames provide a framework Plan I will calculate the and . The reason I will do this is because I believe it will show me that … Interpretation This shows me that … This agrees/disagrees with my original hypothesis. I was surprised to note that … This may have been because …
Note the following All graphs must be clearly labelled There must be an interpretation of every graph or statistic calculated Refer comments back to the original hypotheses Explain any possible causes of bias or limitations/improvements