Health and Safety stand down April 2013
Items to cover Revised Health and Safety vision (10 minutes) Thames Water’s new health and safety policy (10 minutes) Zero compromise cards (10 minutes)
Thames Water’s Health and Safety Policy Statement
Zero compromise cards Launched by Martin Baggs, Thames Water’s CEO, at the Health and Safety Conference on 14 March 2013 Everyone working on behalf of Thames Water is being given a copy of the card during the April Health and Safety stand down It authorises and empowers you to stop work if something is unsafe and assist in putting it right Have the confidence to intervene. Remember, those being stopped also have a card and understand its purpose so should respond positively to your action to look after their safety and wellbeing. Please sign the back of the card, demonstrating you understand the message and are committed to achieving zero compromise Put the card in your wallet/purse/lanyard holder as a reminder of both Thames Water’s and your commitment to zero compromise.
Zero compromise card Key messages Everyone at Thames Water is empowered and authorised by Martin to stop work if it is unsafe and to assist in putting things right. No-one should feel that they might be challenged for doing the right thing. Everyone has a copy of the card so everyone knows the right thing to do is to protect the health and safety of themselves and others.
Key messages from the Health and Safety stand down Triple zero is about every day – start thinking about how many days your team has achieved this and build on that number Everyone at Thames Water is empowered and authorised by Martin to stop work if it is unsafe and to assist in putting it right. No-one should feel that they might be challenged for doing the right thing. Everyone has a copy of the card so everyone knows the right thing to do is to protect the health and safety of themselves and others. The new policy sets out how we will achieve triple zero every day. Think about your role in delivering each of the seven aims.