Cornetto July 2011
Key Campaign information Environment/Panels Key Campaign Objective 1,044 StreetTalk Kiosks Tap into the impulse market to drive sales in UK seaside locations Other Information Interception interviews amongst recent ice cream purchasers
Source: ‘Impulse Purchasing’ Spring Research 2011 Three key types of impulse purchase identified Greatest influence possible in the final period Influence potential gets stronger closer to purchase Planned Standard Momentary
Ice creams tend to be standard or momentary impulse purchases Rational (Need) Emotional (Mood) Planned Standard Momentary Ice cream – a treat that means something more – I’m happy, it’s hot, I am participating in summer/warmth/a good day Source: ‘Impulse Purchasing’ Spring Research 2011
Impulse purchases need to be easy Source: ‘Impulse Purchasing’ Spring Research 2011 EASE Availability of product is key Emotional need of product Hunger, thirst, tiredness, weather, etc EMOTIONAL NEED STATE ENVIRONMENT PHYSICAL EMOTIONAL CONTEXTUAL Mindset, associations, companions, etc Location and time
StreetTalk perfect for dominating the coastal environment Source: ‘Impulse Purchasing’ Spring Research Accelerating the impulse purchase, linking emotional & physical triggers -Built up by high frequency, dominating the share of voice within the environment -“It’s everywhere!”, “You can’t miss it” - Amplified by high quality creative, displaying the product in all its glory - Especially relevant for a ‘treat’ (has to win over the ‘inner devil’)
StreetTalk ideal for feeding the impulse decision making process Source: ‘Impulse Purchasing’ Spring Research 2011 Spurring the momentary, short lived impulse Visually striking prompt Frequent message Targeting the moment with friends/family Prompting the ‘treat’ purchase Targeting the associated ice cream occasion
Summary Three key types of impulse purchase identified StreetTalk is perfectly placed to target impulsive purchasing, targeting people in the right place and at the right time
Want to find out more? Contact the JC Decaux research team to find out more about the project