Blackberry April 2012
Key Campaign information Environment/Panels Key Campaign Objectives Other Media 5 P500’s 16 P450’s Transvision M4 Tower and Marylebone Tower Drive conversation and consideration Reinforcing reason to upgrade amongst Blackberry Owners, and the corporate image Other Information TEST CELL Regular commuters into Central London on either: A40 or M4 CONTROL CELL Regular commuters into Central London on any other road BUT NOT A40 and M4
Source: Box Clever Blackberry Research 2012 ControlTest 33% 44% 49% 53% +33% All Respondents Blackberry Owners Towers driving corporate image 26% 40% Non Blackberry Owners More Likely: It is a Business Phone +8% +54% Source: Box Clever Blackberry Research 2012 “To what extent has their use of these large outdoor advertising sites changed your perceptions of Blackberry in terms of the following statements?”
Source: Box Clever Blackberry Research 2012 “Thinking again about the advertising you have just seen, to what extent do you agree with the following statements?” Makes Me Want To Find Out More About Blackberry Bold 30%39% The Towers generating brand intrigue
The Towers drove conversations about the advertising Source: Box Clever Blackberry Research 2012 Thinking again about the advertising you have just seen, to what extent do you agree with the following statements? Is An Advert I Would Talk About With Others 14%33%
Brand presence reinforced amongst non customers +18% Higher Ad recall test vs. control Source: Box Clever Blackberry Research 2012 Why do you think brands choose to advertise on these large advertising sites?
Towers drove consideration amongst both current customers and non owners +9% +142% Blackberry Owners Non-Blackberry Owners Source: Box Clever Blackberry Research 2012 Assuming you were thinking about getting a new mobile phone would you be more or less likely to consider Blackberry now?
Summary The Towers amplified all elements of the Blackberry campaign, including reinforcing their corporate image The campaign also drove conversations and consideration of the brand Finally, the campaign successfully delivered in driving awareness and consideration amongst non owners
Want to find out more? Contact the JC Decaux research team to find out how the campaign performed across other metrics