Ford September 2011
Key Campaign information Environment/Panels Key Campaign Objective Other Media sheet panels Illustrate how 6-sheets can strengthen perceptions and deliver additional awareness over and above TV
Advertising Awareness Posters strong at delivering advertising recall Q9. You say you have seen some advertising for Ford recently, where do you remember seeing this particular advertising? Source: RedBlue Ford Research 2011
Recognition The 6-sheet campaign achieved strong cut through Q13b. Have you seen any of these posters recently? Source: RedBlue Ford Research % recall seeing the Ford 6-Sheets
Recognition The outdoor amplified the awareness achieved by the TV campaign Q13a. Have you seen this advert, or anything like it on television recently? / Q13b. Have you seen any of these posters recently? Source: RedBlue Ford Research 2011
Brand Perceptions The 6-sheet campaign successfully strengthened brand perceptions Q16. Using a scale of 1 – 10, where 1 is not at all accurate and 10 is very accurate, how accurate are each of the following in describing Ford Source: RedBlue Ford Research 2011 Trustworthy Innovative Premium Different Passionate Ambitious Desirable Confident Forward thinking Responsible Successful Modern
Car Buying and Advertising The campaign has strengthened perceptions of what 6-sheets can deliver Q12. Which of the following types of advertising do you think are successful at…? Source: RedBlue Ford Research 2011 Thinking about buying a car Stage 1 Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4 Actively looking In the final stages Recently bought a car Total: 12%Total: 14%Total: 6%Total: 3% Aware: 19% Total: 9%Total: 4% +58%+36%+50%
Summary The campaign achieved strong cut through with out of home playing a significant part The 6-sheets amplified the campaign awareness achieved by the TV In line with objectives, the 6-sheets strengthened brand perceptions
Want to find out more? Contact the JC Decaux research team to find out how the campaign performed across other metrics