Quiz on star life cycle
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1. Name the process which generates energy in a star Nuclear fusion : light atoms joining together to make heavier atoms Answer
2. Which two elements are involved in nuclear fusion in a star? Hydrogen and helium Answer Next question
3. What force prevents a star blowing apart for most of its life? Gravity – this is an attracting force acting on all the material of the star Answer Next question
4. In simple terms, why must a star eventually "die "? It will use up most of its hydrogen (this makes it lighter so there is not enough gravity to keep the gases together) Answer Next question
5. A dying star starts to swell up 5. A dying star starts to swell up. What is the name given to a swollen star? A red giant Answer Next question
6. Some stars collapse again and then explode 6. Some stars collapse again and then explode. What is the name given to an exploding star? A supernova Answer Next question
7. What is left after a red giant has expanded and cooled completely? A white dwarf Answer Next question
8. What is left at the centre of a supernova explosion? A neutron star – or possibly a black hole Answer Next question
9. What is left around the site of a supernova explosion? A nebula ( a "cloud" of gases) Answer Next question
10. What might happen next to the gases making up a nebula? They can be drawn in by gravity and start a new star Answer Next question
11. Where did all the elements which make up the people on Earth come from ? Elements are only made by a series of nuclear fusion events in a star, they spread across the Universe after supernova explosions . So all the atoms in you have been through a supernova explosion! Answer Next question
12. Will our Sun become a red giant or a supernova? A red giant : only a very large star can turn into a supernova, the Sun is a medium-sized star Answer Next slide
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