Why bother? Rigorous testing is essential! It determines whether or not developers have met requirements set by the client at the very start. Also ensures the end user has a hassle free experience. Free from bugs and errors Save you work and money. Don’t forget the Evolution phase of life cycle.
What test can I do? 1.Functional- Basic of the basic testing. Testing solution in normal conditions (inline with spec) What the client thinks will be entered into the solution. What’s the problem with this? 2.Beta Testing- testing done by a sample of users outside the development team. Inputs will more than likely be different to what is expected. What’s good about this? What could be better? 3.Stress Testing- Does what is says on the tin. Pushing the solution well beyond is nominal limits. Test solutions robustness. What is good about this? What could be the drawbacks of this?
How can I test my solution? Modular testing Where the solution is broken down and tested individually. Test each function of a program e.g. the graphics rendering, the complier Allows you to systematically test meaning error can be found quickly and be isolated Great for big projects!
What do I need to test? Everyone needs a Test Plan Outline what test will occur and how they will be carried out Show methods and expected results These are documents created before the testing phase. Needs to be Quantifiable and Measurable. You can’t just say I have tested this by doing this. Tell me why you are using a particular method? Show your workings