Time Management Matrix 07932 641313.


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Presentation transcript:

Time Management Matrix


1 – Deception This quadrant is mainly noise and other people transferring their problems onto you Interruptions Some phone calls, some mail, some reports Some meetings 2 – Daily Reality This quadrant acts upon us Crisis Pressing Problems Deadline-driven projects, meetings, preparations 4 – Waste Avoid spending any time in this quadrant at all! Trivia and junk mail Some phone calls Time wasters Mindless escape activities Socialising 3 – Quality This quadrant is about personal leadership and organisation. Its our “doing” zone! Interruptions, some phone calls Some mail, some reports Some meetings Low URGENCY High LowIMPORTANCEHigh

1 – Deception This quadrant is mainly noise and other people transferring their problems onto you The noise of urgency creates the illusion of importance, but the actual activities are often much more important to someone else! We often spend too long in this quadrant, meeting other peoples priorities and expectations. 2 – Daily Reality This quadrant acts upon us We need to spend time in this quadrant. It is unavoidable and can never be totally avoided. This is where we manage, we produce and were we bring our experience and skills to bear in responding to many needs and challenges. Some activities will have found themselves here due to lack of planning and preparation 4 – Waste Avoid spending any time in this quadrant at all! This is often a escape route. This is a deterioration zone. It may give short term “feel good” ” effects but in the long term, it adds to our time management pressures. 3 – Quality This quadrant is about personal leadership and organisation. Its our “doing” zone! This is where we increase our ability “to do”. Ignore this quadrant and Q2 is fed and gets fat! Invest in this quadrant and Q2 shrinks! This quadrant 3 does not act upon us, we act upon it! Low URGENCY High LowIMPORTANCEHigh

1 – Deception2 – Daily Reality 4 – Waste3 – Quality Low URGENCY High LowIMPORTANCEHigh