1 Qualifications Framework Higher Education Label or process? 7 October 2010 Dr Marlies Leegwater Ministry of Education, Culture & Science Directorate Higher Education & Student finance Rijnstraat BJ The Hague The Netherlands
2 OUTLINE 1. Qualifications framework Higher Education 2. Implementation 3. Quality assurance 4. Providers – (LLL)learners 5. Label or process?
3 BachDublin descriptors Ma Dr 1st cycle2nd cycle3rd cycle ECTS ECTS + Possibility of Short cycle part of - linked to – 1st cycle
4 Qualifications frameworks Models - descriptors EQF-LLL (2008) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 QF- EHEA (2005) Short Cycle ECTS 120 First Cycle Ba ECTS Second Cycle Ma ECTS Third Cycle Dr 4 jr
5 QF-EHEA – “Dublin”descriptors Have demonstrated knowledge and understanding that.. Can apply their knowledge and solve problems Make judgements Can communicate Demonstrate learning skills documentswww.jointquality.orgwww.ehea.info
6 Bach Dublin descriptors Ma Dr 1st cycle2nd cycle3rd cycle ECTS ECTS + Possibility of Short cycle part of - linked to – 1st cycle
7 Key elements NQF - EHEA National Qualifications - linked to QF-EHEA Learning outcomes - linked to Dublin descriptors ECTS 60 per year Granting quality of standards/levels Assessments of LO Diploma Supplement (European model)
8 Evidence based Key-importance for NQF’s: Demonstrating - learning outcomes reality matches learning outcomes of model - Curricula - intended learning outcomes - Exams/tests - achieved learning outcomes
9 Institutions and more St.group QA Bol exp gov
10 Implementation NL Communication 2005 Board of HEI’s - Minister - seminar BP-steering group Rectors conf -ministry, employers, students, QA… 2 x p Writing group: gov, QA, Rectors Conf
11 Implementation NL Communication 2005 – 2008 Personnel HEI’s internationalisation Personnel HEI’s quality assurance Bologna experts + ministry workshops + QA personnel - Accreditation organisation Board of HEI’s - Minister - seminar -OK
Self-certification of the Dutch National Qualifications Framework
NVAO - Titel van de presentatie Time line 2008 September: NVAO installed 1 committee independent international experts for certification Dutch & Flemish NQFs Committee members from: ENQA-Finland, USA, Ireland, Netherlands, Flanders, Secretary 2008 November: site visits in The Hague & Brussels Meeting all stakeholders 2009 February: final committee report and stated agreement NVAO to Dutch and Flemish Ministers March 09: on websites Bologna, CoE, NVAO 13
NVAO - Titel van de presentatie Time line 2009 March: on websites Bologna, CoE, NVAO Advise: brochure 2009: consultations with Bologna experts 2010 Beginning: brochure printed co-production Dutch Ministry and NVAO 14
NVAO - Titel van de presentatie Contents brochure European context and Bologna Dutch NQF o Summary NQF (visualised) o Admission to HE o Transfers within HE What will change after the NQF? Highlights importance of: o Learning outcomes o Quality assurance (NVAO accredits Ad, Ba, Ma) o ECTS o Diploma supplement 15
NVAO - Titel van de presentatie Maintenance of NQF NVAO maintains NQF on behalf of Ministry: o Publications (website and written materials) o Answering questions o Proposing updates and changes o Annual roundtable with stakeholders o NVAO advises; Ministry decides (ownership) 16
17 Implementation Netherlands LO in accreditation framework – DS Eur Law website brochure 2010 joint product accreditation organisation NVAO & Ministry of Education
18 Implementation in general Actors dependent on country system: Government Education institution Employers Students Professional bodies Quality Assurance (organisation) either/or or jointly
19 Quality assurance Learning outcomes Description - by whom, after consultation of, why.. Achievement - assessment !! - criteria - relevance of methods Content - cogent communication - written/oral presentation - performance music, dentistry…… In QA criteria !!!
20 Assessment Independent of delivery methods ICT Informal – non-formal learning Recognition of Prior (Applied) Learning Assessment of achieved learning outcomes Same criteria for all. QA act/evaluate !!
21 Label or process? St.group QA Bol exp gov
22 Process at institutional level Description of learning outcomes – link model knowledge, skills, competencies Curricula/programmes existing/new modules internships thesis performance E C T S tests, portfolio's, exams Achieved learning outcomes !!QA!!
23 Process at European level Programmes – EHEA - Learning outcomes Joint actions cross border Example: Tuning educational structures Chemistry descriptorswww.jointquality.org Music Polifonia Engineers Humaniora integrating EQF-LLL+QF-EHEA QA: AISHE-QA-criteria for learning for sustainability
24 Diploma Supplement European Model ENQA ENIC/NARIC Recommendations Automatically, free of charge, all graduates, all cycles Content - learning outcomes - from bodies responsible Procedure compiling, issuing - central/by faculties/departments Course certificate for hopping learners:Level,ECTS ! Process and content DS to be quality assured !
25 Implementation fitting purpose Minor linking - Major overhaul Partnerships: Actors – Stakeholders Learning Outcomes - Assessments Quality Assurance Legislation Fruitful implementation!