Anglian Water Sewage Works Chelmsford Wastewater Treatment Works 129 Brook End Road South Chelmsford CM2 6NZ 01245 544101 Cross curricular links * SCIENCE.


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Presentation transcript:

Anglian Water Sewage Works Chelmsford Wastewater Treatment Works 129 Brook End Road South Chelmsford CM2 6NZ Cross curricular links * SCIENCE * GEOGRAPHY * PSHE National Curriculum references Key Stage 1 Geography ask geographical questions express their own views about people, places and environments use fieldwork skills identify and describe what places are like recognise how places have become the way they are and how they are changing recognise changes in the environment Science ask questions [for example, 'How?', 'Why?', 'What will happen if... ?'] and decide how they might find answers to them. use first-hand experience and simple information sources to answer questions. identify similarities and differences between local environments and ways in which these affect animals and plants that are found there care for the environment. sort objects into groups on the basis of simple material properties [for example, roughness, hardness, shininess, ability to float, transparency and whether they are magnetic or non-magnetic] recognise and name common types of material [for example, metal, plastic, wood, paper, rock] and recognise that some of them are found naturally PSHE 1b. to share their opinions on things that matter to them and explain their views. 2b. to take part in a simple debate about topical issues 2g. what improves and harms their local, natural and built environments and about some of the ways people look after them Key Stage 2 Geography ask geographical questions collect and record evidence analyse evidence and draw conclusions identify and explain different views that people, including themselves, hold about topical geographical issues to use appropriate fieldwork techniques to identify and describe what places are like to explain why places are like they are to identify how and why places change recognise and explain patterns made by individual physical and human features in the environment recognise some physical and human processes [for example, river erosion, a factory closure] and explain how these can cause changes in places and environments. recognise how people can improve the environment [for example, by reclaiming derelict land] or damage it recognise how and why people may seek to manage environments sustainably, and to identify opportunities for their own involvement water and its effects on landscapes and people, including the physical features of rivers [for example, flood plain] or coasts [for example, beach], and the processes of erosion and deposition that affect them Science ask questions that can be investigated scientifically and decide how to find answers use simple equipment and materials appropriately and take action to control risks make comparisons and identify simple patterns or associations in their own observations and measurements or other data use observations, measurements or other data to draw conclusions Grouping and classifying materials 1. Pupils should be taught: a. to compare everyday materials and objects on the basis of their material properties, including hardness, strength, flexibility and magnetic behaviour, and to relate these properties to everyday uses of the materials d. to describe and group rocks and soils on the basis of their characteristics, including appearance, texture and permeability e. to recognise differences between solids, liquids and gases, in terms of ease of flow and maintenance of shape and volume. 3. Pupils should be taught: a. how to separate solid particles of different sizes by sieving [for example, those in soil] b. that some solids [for example, salt, sugar] dissolve in water to give solutions but some [for example, sand, chalk] do not c. how to separate insoluble solids from liquids by filtering d. how to recover dissolved solids by evaporating the liquid from the solution e. to use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated. PSHE 2j. that resources can be allocated in different ways and that these economic choices affect individuals, communities and the sustainability of the environment RESOURCES AND EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES Skills covered Geography Recognise some physical and human processes and explain how these can cause changes in places and environments. Recognise and explain patterns made by individual physical and human features in the environment. Recognise how and why people may seek to manage environments sustainably, and to identify opportunities for their own involvement. Recognise how people can improve the environment or damage it, and how decisions about places and environments affect the quality of people’s lives. PSHE I know that resources can be allocated in different ways and that these economic choices affect individuals, communities and the sustainability of the environment. Science Ask questions that can be investigated scientifically and decide how to find answers. Think about what might happen or try things out when deciding what to do, what kind of evidence to collect, and what equipment and materials to use. Make comparisons and identify simple patterns or associations in their own observations and measurements or other data. Use scientific knowledge and understanding to explain observations, measurements or other data conclusions. Related risk assessment Key Stage 3 Progression PSHE Examples of diverse values encountered in society and the clarification of personal values. GEOGRAPHY 2.2 Fieldwork and out-of-class learning Pupils should be able to: a. select and use fieldwork tools and techniques appropriately, safely and efficiently. 1.1 Place a. Understanding the physical and human characteristics of real places. 1.5 Physical and human processes a. Understanding how sequences of events and activities in the physical and human worlds lead to change in places, landscapes and societies. 1.6 Environmental interaction and sustainable development a. Understanding that the physical and human dimensions of the environment are interrelated and together influence environmental change. b. Exploring sustainable development and its impact on environmental interaction and climate change. SCIENCE 2.1 Practical and enquiry skills Pupils should be able to: a. use a range of scientific methods and techniques to develop and test ideas and explanations b. assess risk and work safely in the laboratory, field and workplace c. plan and carry out practical and investigative activities, both individually and in groups. For EYFS references see Page 2

Foundation Stage references Creative Development 1. Explores different media and responds to a variety of sensory experiences. Engages in representational play. 8. Expresses and communicates ideas, thoughts and feelings using a range of materials, suitable tools, imaginative and role-play, movement, designing and making, and a variety of songs and musical instruments. Knowledge and Understanding of the World 1. Shows curiosity and interest by exploring surroundings. 2. Observes, selects and manipulates objects and materials. Identifies simple features and significant personal events. 3. Identifies obvious similarities and differences when exploring and observing. Constructs in a purposeful way, using simple tools and techniques. 4. Investigates places, objects, materials and living things by using all the senses as appropriate. Identifies some features and talks about those features (ss)he likes and dislikes. 5. Asks questions about why things happen and how things work. Looks closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change. 7. Finds out about and identifies the uses of everyday technology and uses information and communication technology and programmable toys to support her/his learning.