Workshop- What are the Benefits of Embedding? Mark Adams Embedded Curriculum Event June 20 th 2007
Definition “Embedded teaching and learning combine the development of literacy, language and numeracy with vocational and other skills. The skills acquired provide learners with the confidence, competence and motivation necessary for them to succeed in qualifications, in life and at work.”
Examples Developing horticultural pride (Parks department) Writing letters and reports (PATH Trainees and Housing managers) Effective communication (Home carers) Skills for a changing workplace (Catering supervisors) Effective workplace Skills (Nursery staff)
What are the benefits? Three broad categories: 1)Recruitment 2)Embedded training 3)‘Double duty dollars’
Recruitment and Retention Call it what you like Uses the language of the workplace Allows those who work together to learn together Improved motivation a ‘means to an end’ for vocational qualifications and promotion The more training offered, the longer staff stay
Embedded training Can target real identified needs in an organisation Provides a context for LLN learning- makes learning more interesting More inclusive training = more opportunities for differentiation Promotes workplace skills throughout the organisation
‘Double duty dollars’ (Sticht) Job –related programmes are more effective than general programmes. Teachers urged ‘to use, to the extent possible, learning contexts, tasks, materials and procedures taken from the future situation in which the learner will be functioning Job-related literacy programs produced the same gains or greater gains in general reading levels as general literacy programs, and over five times the gain in job- related reading Benefits to organizations, individuals and family members are immediate. Work is the single most important factor contributing to wellbeing in all households
Case Study- The Maples Care Home Gaps identified in care plans by Social Services inspectors Staff volunteered for 7x 1 day a week course The topics covered were: –Understanding my Workplace –Communication at Work –Recording Information –Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. New checklist devised for all Dramatic improvement in morale Team nominated for an ALW award All participants now moved on to further vocational training
Discussion Are there any disadvantages to embedding? What resources are available to support embedded Skills for Life?