Hello and welcome to year 5.
As I was going to St. Ives I met a man with seven wives. Each wife had seven sacks, each sack had seven cats, every cat had seven kittens; kittens, cats, sacks and wives. How many were going to St. Ives?
School equipment Art Shirts Equipment from home PE kit Newspaper
Science Forces Measuring forces Gravity Air resistance Up thrust Water resistance Year 5 Autumn Term 2013 Overview P.S.H.E. New Beginnings Getting On/Falling Out Say No to Bullying Rights & Responsibilities R.E. Birth, life & death ceremonies. Christmas - Peace P.E. Dance Gym – Turning & Spinning Games – Tag rugby, Cross-Country. Art Creating paper mummies. Canopic jars Music Ancient Egyptians songs/dances and rituals. Egyptian instruments Literacy Fables, myths and legends. Reports and explanations. Stories from other cultures. Numeracy Mental maths Place value Weight and distance Addition, subtraction, division and multiplication Fractions, decimals and percentages Shape: perimeter, area, triangles, properties of quadrilaterals Real life problem solving Data Handling I.C.T. Introduction to spreadsheets and PowerPoint Geography/History Ancient Egypt Mummification Gods Hieroglyphics River Nile Tutankhamun Spanish Greetings Classroom Instructions Other Spanish speaking countries Family members Numbers to 20 Age Alphabet Christmas Customs
8.50 – (20 mins) 9:20-10:20 (60 mins) – (20 mins) – (25 mins) – (70 mins) – – – 2.30 (60 mins) 2.30 – 3.20 (50 mins) M REG REG Assembly Numeracy B R B R Guided Reading VCOP Literacy/story REG REG RE/PSHE Topic T ISTRATIOISTRATIO Assembly Numeracy E A K Guided Reading VCOP Literacy/story LUNCLUNC ISTRISTR Art/DT W Assembly Numeracy Guided Reading VCOP Literacy/story (ICT) HATIOATIO Spanish Indoor P.E Th N Class Assembly Numeracy (ICT Suite) Guided Reading VCOP Literacy/story N Science Outdoor P.E F A S S E M B L Y Numeracy Guided Reading VCOP Literacy/story HOMELEARN ING and Target Time Spellings Circle Time
School Trips