Lesson 2: 19 th Century Russia and Japan Lesson Question: What were the major similarities and differences of the political and economic reform programs of Russia and Japan in the 19 th century? Lesson Objectives: The students will understand the major political and economic reforms attempted in Russia and Japan in the 19 th century.
19 th Century Russia and Japan Russia The Congress of Vienna 1815 The Holy Alliance Tsar Nicolas I r The Decembrist Uprising 1825 Repression The Crimean War Alexander II Emancipation of Serfs 1861 Redemption Payments Industrialization Lack of Capital & Middle Class Divisions in Russian Society Peasants, Proletariat, Radical Intelligentsia Anarchism, Terrorism Russo-Japanese War 1904 Manchuria Tsar Nicolas II r Duma & Stolypin Reforms
Japan Late Tokugawa Shogunate Dutch Studies & Early Nationalism Commodore Matthew Perry 1853 Treaty of Kanagawa 1854 Meiji Restoration Emperor Mutsuhito r Abolished Feudalism Centralized Power Constitution 1889 Diet, Voting Rights, Political Parties Industrialization State Directed Foreign Advisors & Study Abroad Technical Education Literacy Levels & Cultural Values Nationalism Loyalty to the Emperor Obedience & Social Harmony Imperialism Sino-Japanese War Annexation of Korea 1910 Boxer Rebellion 1900 Alliance with Britain 1902 Russo-Japanese War 1905
Russo-Japanese War 1904
Comparative Analysis Essay Prompt: Analyze the major similarities and differences of the political and economic reform programs of Russia and Japan in the 19 th century.
Thesis Statement: 1 st Similarity: Evidence: Direct Comparison: Analysis: 1 st Difference: Evidence: Direct Comparison: Analysis: 2 nd Similarity: Evidence: Direct Comparison: Analysis: 2 nd Difference: Evidence: Direct Comparison: Analysis: