Sharing good practice and overcoming barriers
In your groups consider: What are the barriers that you face when using tools and powers? What impact do these barriers have on your ability to address ASB? What solutions have you found to address the barriers? If you could wave a magic wand – what solution would you like to see?
Using the tools effectively An example of good practice Kerry Clare
Introduction Family of 5 Single parent but (ex) partner who she had previously fled violence from is ‘on the scene’ (Ex)partner has a travelling background and is running an illegal scrap metal business from the property Family claiming full benefits 3 bed mid terrace property
The Police have contacted you to make you aware of an increase in calls relating to the children from the property. They are aged between 5 to 19 yrs old and are responsible for criminal and anti social behaviour. Reports that the parent is aggressive and manipulative particular to officers from statutory agencies. Neighbours are in fear of the family. 1.What are you going to do? 2.What investigations are you going to undertake? 3.What action would you consider at this stage? 4.Who will lead on this?
Complaints received about the dog from the property roaming loose. Reports that it is a dangerous dog. Reports that household are keeping horses in their front garden and illegally on private landlord close to the address. Intimidating male visitors to the property blocking access to the street in multiple vehicles. Daily calls from multiple addresses complaining about the behaviour of the household but wishing to remain anonymous. 1.What action would you consider at this stage? 2.Who would you share information with? 3.What evidence would you collect?
Parent has been arrested for assaulting neighbour at the local supermarket 3 miles from the property. A visit to the property shows deliberate damage to the interior – copper piping removed, damage to the newly fitted kitchen, etc Lack of basic provisions in the property. School have contacted you to report that parents are complaining about intimidation by all members of the household. 1.Would you consider further action if already taken some? 2.If none taken, what action would you now consider? 3.What evidence would you need?
What happened? 1.Working with the Police, we contacted all complainants inviting them to a residents meeting to discuss issue. 2.Wrote to household, discussed complaints and offered solutions to resolve issues. 3.Parent offered support tools – all refused. 4.Notice of Seeking Possession served. 5.Referred to Family Intervention – refused. 6.Further complaints received – referred to legal with instruction to commence possession proceedings.
7.Information shared with Dog Warden, Environmental Health, RSPCA, Children’s Services, Youth Offending Team, Police. 8.Further complaints received. 9.Application to County Court for Injunction. 10.Further complaints received. 11.Application to Magistrates Court for Closure Order. 12.Ongoing information sharing with all relevant services. 13.Statements obtained to support all enforcement actions from local residents, Police, Housing Trust.
What worked well? Residents Meeting – local residents realised that they were not on their own, they had the full support of the Housing Trust and the Police and that they were working together. Using the full range of the tools – being prepared to be flexible and non-prescriptive. Sharing Information.
Barriers Some agencies were reluctant to share information. Delays in the Court process. Reluctant complainants - waiting until they were at the end of their tether and then expecting instant results. Offending by minors and constraints on the agencies to address this.