SMMT European and National Type Approval (SENTA) Guide Online interactive guide for vehicle, system and component approval CV Show 12-14 April 2011
Introduction Overview of how SENTA works Latest updates Practical example of using SENTA
SENTA - SMMT European and National Type Approval guide A step-by-step web-based programme to guide vehicle manufacturers, bodybuilders and suppliers through the complicated European Community Whole Vehicle Type Approval system. It also allows for national approval schemes for low volume manufacturers. For a new approval application, SENTA will ease the lengthy process. The guide details what a manufacturer must do from the original design idea, through the development and construction stages to completion of the approval process.
Vehicle Approval Process with SENTA Vehicle Design & Development SENTA 1-9 Application Information SENTA 10-13 Compliance Documents Systems Type approval Testing SENTA 14 Vehicle Information Vehicle Type Approval SENTA 15 Certificate of Conformity National Registration
SENTA - SMMT European and National Type Approval guide The guide is split into three parts. How to determine the vehicle type and approval route. The requirements for Type Approval. How to complete a programme to type approve a vehicle. Registered users will be guided through the ECWVTA process from start to finish. This will be based on their specific requirements and supported by: A checklist of the legislation. Information and application documents and tables. Charts and lists of information for the user to create. The guide simplifies the approval process for those dealing with multi-stage builds by requesting specific information. Help information and worked examples are available for each section of the guide.
Approval routes available in SENTA to date ECWVTA M2 and M3 incomplete, complete and completed vehicles ECWVTA N2 and N3 incomplete, complete and completed vehicles ECWVTA O1, O2, O3 and O4 incomplete, complete and completed trailers NSSTA M2 and M3 complete and completed vehicles NSSTA N2 and N3 complete and completed vehicles NSSTA O1, O2, O3 and O4 complete and completed trailers NIVA M2 and M3 vehicles NIVA N2 and N3 vehicles NIVA O1, O2, O3 and O4 trailers
Latest updates and forthcoming New branding of SENTA website and guide New ‘Take a tour’ on website front page Approval routes M1 NSSTA requirements and ECE regulations N1 NSSTA requirements and ECE regulations Vehicle information documents Annex III Part 1A: Explanatory notes added M MSB ECWVTA and NSSTA N MSB ECWVTA and NSSTA Documents and information on vehicle registration Certificate of origin document NIVA web links to application documents and inspection manuals Approval scope information for system and component approvals Consent to supply large trailers
Next we will have a practical live demonstration of how to use the SENTA guide for an application and compliance for a vehicle approval.
SENTA information, registration and subscription Go to the SENTA SMMT website, Free to SMMT Members £900- per annum to non-Members For all membership enquiries please visit SMMT in Hall 5, stand no. 5C10 and speak to: Alison Handley – Membership and Publications Manager Tim Hughes – Membership Account Manager or e-mail
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