A comparison of the Geo-Stellar Fingerprints of the three Orion Belt Stars with the three stars that form the wings of the Cygnus Constellation. © Scott Creighton 2012
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Belt Star AsterismCygnus Asterism Al Nitak (G1) Al Nilam (G2) Mintaka (G3) Gienah (G3) Sadr (G2) Delta Cyg (G1)
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint L1a Place line from Al Nitak to Al Nilam – L1a. Place line from Delta Cyg to Sadr – L1a.
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint L1a L1 Double L1a to give L1. Double L1a to give L1.
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint L1
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint L2a From endpoint of L1, place line to Mintaka. L2a. L1 From endpoint of L1, place line to Gienah. L2a.
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint L2a L2 Double L2a to give L2. Double L2a to give L2.
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint L2
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Box L2 Diagonal
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Box L2 Diagonal
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Box L2 Diagonal
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Box L2 Diagonal
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint B1
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Duplicate B1 to give B1a Duplicate B1 to give B1a B1a
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Duplicate L1 & place thru diagonal of B1a to give L3. Duplicate L1 & place thru diagonal of B1a to give L3. L3 B1a L1
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint L3
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint From midpoint of L3, place line to L1. L4a. From midpoint of L3, place line to L1 L1 L3 L4a
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint L4 Double L4a to give L4. Double L4a to give L4. L4a
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Box L4 Diagonal L4
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint From endpoint of L3, place line to L1. L5a. From endpoint of L3, place line to L1. L5a. L3 L1 L5a
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Double L5a to give L5. Double L5a to give L5. L5 L5a
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Box L5 Diagonal L5
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint
Orion’s Belt Geo-Stellar Fingerprint Cygnus Geo-Stellar Fingerprint The Geo-Stellar Fingerprint of the Orion Belt stars presents 3 bases that are in very good agreement with the relative proportions of the Giza pyramids. The Geo-Stellar Fingerprint of the Cygnus wing stars presents 3 bases that in no way agree with the relative proportions of the Giza pyramids.