Title and Date in your books Financial vs Non- financial Objectives What is an objective? What does “Financial” mean?
NO IDEA I NEED HELP NEVER HEARD OF IT OK I CAN DO THIS WITH SUPPORT SOME GUIDANCE NEEDED NEARLY AT MY TARGET GOT IT! VERY CONFIDENT WILL HIT MY TARGET GRADE EXCEED TARGET Success Criteria < CDescribe Financial Objectives and Non-Financial Objectives State examples from each objective C > Most will be able to compare the difference B >Some will be able to evaluate these in a business context (cooperative bank) A >QOWC and SPAG LEARNING OBJECTIVES Investigate the differences between Financial Objectives Vs Non-Financial Objectives
Objectives: Steps and targets to achieve in order to meet overall aim/goal. Financial Objectives: targets expressed in money terms such as making profit, earning income or building wealth Key Terms
Survival Wealth Financial Security Growth Financial Objectives Write an example of what that might include after each statement
Financial TV choice ao ao o8M o8M What might NON FINANCIAL objectives include?
Personal satisfaction Challenge Independence and control Helping others Non-Financial Objectives Write an example of what that might include after each statement
d2g d2g Cooperative bank non financial objectives SMSC
Task – Cooperative bank objectives What do you think the co-operative banks financial objectives might be? List 3 non-financial objectives of the cooperative bank. Focusing on 1 objective, why might the bank have this? Do you agree? Do you think co-operative bank are right to support these issues? (Good business sense?) SMSC
Joe Smith has recently set up in business on his own as a plumber. Which two of the following would be his financial objectives? A) Job Creation B) Earning more than previous job C) As a result of a dare D) Being in control of his hours of work E) Using profits to fund a pension F) To keep his family happy Exam Style Question
Joe Smith has recently set up in business on his own as a plumber. Which two of the following would be his financial objectives? A) Job Creation B) Earning more than previous job C) As a result of a dare D) Being in control of his hours of work E) Using profits to fund a pension F) To keep his family happy