Copyright, 2010 © Lowell Weir & MSAC, LTD. HOW TO MAKE A CARNIVAL FLOAT By Lowell Weir – BA (HONS) and PGCE
Aim of the session To be able to design their own carnival float To have completed a cardboard model of their own carnival float
Carnival float from Germany
Carnival float from Greece
Carnival float from Italy
Carnival float from Rio
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A Brief History of Brazil’s Carnival Mask
When did people start wearing masks? Masks have been worn for many years by people around the globe for many reasons. The masks that are worn at the Carnaval were traditionally worn back in 1641 to disguse the wearers appearance. This was due to the fact that the balls and parades that are now commonplace were inspired by events that were happening in Paris and other parts of Europe. Feathers are often used in masks as they represent the human ability to overcome tragedy and their strength to continue in the face of adversity.
Types of masks There are many types of masks that you would expect to see at the Carnaval. Some are a full face mask that will cover the entire face and are often a large and exaggerated head of a person or animal. As you would think these are very heavy and hot to wear and it is only the really dedicated carnival goers and entertainers that will wear them. Another common type of mask is the half mask which covers the wearers eyes and is more like a masquerade type mask, which was worn in the European balls back in the 1600s.
Carnival Mask history-r-carnival-history-of-brazil janeiro-carnival-costumes-carnaval
Carnival float from Southend
The most famous Southend Carnival float – the Kursaal Flyer