Me presento (part 2) WALT: give a physical and character description of yourself. WILF: Be able to give a detailed description of yourself and give your opinion – grade F / E Be able to give a detailed description of yourself, give your opinion and justify it – grade D Be able to give a detailed description of yourself using past and future tenses, opinions and justifications – grade C WILF: Be able to give a detailed description of yourself and give your opinion – grade F / E Be able to give a detailed description of yourself, give your opinion and justify it – grade D Be able to give a detailed description of yourself using past and future tenses, opinions and justifications – grade C
Me presento (part 2) How can I improve my work? Key phrases for a C grade +: Past tense: En el pasado….In the past…. Nació I was born Cuando era más joven…. When I was younger Era I used to be Tenía I used to have Ejemplo: Nació en Maidstone en I was born in Maidstone in Cuando era mas joven, tenía el pelo mas corto y era un poco bajo. When I was younger I used to have shorter hair and I was a bit short. Key phrases for a C grade +: Past tense: En el pasado….In the past…. Nació I was born Cuando era más joven…. When I was younger Era I used to be Tenía I used to have Ejemplo: Nació en Maidstone en I was born in Maidstone in Cuando era mas joven, tenía el pelo mas corto y era un poco bajo. When I was younger I used to have shorter hair and I was a bit short. TO COPY IN YOUR BOOK!
Me presento (part 2) How can I improve my work? Key phrases for a C grade +: Future / Conditional tense: En el futuro….In the future…. Voy a tener I am going to have… Voy a ser I am going to be Voy a vivir en I am going to live in Me gustaría…… I would like to …. Prefiero……….. I prefer……. Ejemplo: En el futuro, voy a tener el pelo largo y liso. Voy a ser bastante alto y me gustaría ser muy guapo. In the future I am going to have long and straight hair. I am going to be quite tall and I would like to be good looking. Tambien, en el futuro, voy a vivir en Ashford pero prefiería vivir en Maidstone. Also in the future, I am going to live in Ashford but I would prefer to live in Maidstone. Key phrases for a C grade +: Future / Conditional tense: En el futuro….In the future…. Voy a tener I am going to have… Voy a ser I am going to be Voy a vivir en I am going to live in Me gustaría…… I would like to …. Prefiero……….. I prefer……. Ejemplo: En el futuro, voy a tener el pelo largo y liso. Voy a ser bastante alto y me gustaría ser muy guapo. In the future I am going to have long and straight hair. I am going to be quite tall and I would like to be good looking. Tambien, en el futuro, voy a vivir en Ashford pero prefiería vivir en Maidstone. Also in the future, I am going to live in Ashford but I would prefer to live in Maidstone. TO COPY AND TRANSLATE IN YOUR BOOK!
Me presento (part 2) How can I improve my work? Key phrases for a C grade +: Opiniones: Creo que / Pienso que…..I think that…. Me parece que I think that Prefiero I preferI am going to be Me gusta / me encanta I like / I love No me gusta / Odio / detesto…… I do not like / I hate …. Prefiero……….. I prefer……. En mi opinion… in my opinion Porque es / porque son because it is / because they are Linking words: Y and además also / furthermore Pero but sin embargo however También also aunquealthough Key phrases for a C grade +: Opiniones: Creo que / Pienso que…..I think that…. Me parece que I think that Prefiero I preferI am going to be Me gusta / me encanta I like / I love No me gusta / Odio / detesto…… I do not like / I hate …. Prefiero……….. I prefer……. En mi opinion… in my opinion Porque es / porque son because it is / because they are Linking words: Y and además also / furthermore Pero but sin embargo however También also aunquealthough TO COPY IN YOUR BOOK!
Me presento (part 2) Task: Tell me about yourself – personal information, name age, physical and character description Task: Tell me about yourself – personal information, name age, physical and character description You are to write a detailed description of yourself. You should include: -Name and age -Where you live -Family -Physical description and Character information REMEMBER THE MORE DETAIL YOU GIVE THE HIGHER THE GRADE!!!! You are to write a detailed description of yourself. You should include: -Name and age -Where you live -Family -Physical description and Character information REMEMBER THE MORE DETAIL YOU GIVE THE HIGHER THE GRADE!!!! Peer assess each other as you go! Remember past future tenses for C grade +, opinions, linking words!
Me presento (part 2) Extension: HABLAR: Now share the information with a partner and create an interview. Extension: HABLAR: Now share the information with a partner and create an interview. Use these key questions to help form your interview: ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿De dónde eres? / ¿Dónde vives? ¿Cuántos años tienes? ¿ Cómo eres? ¿Cómo es tu carácter? Hablarme de tu familia. Use these key questions to help form your interview: ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿De dónde eres? / ¿Dónde vives? ¿Cuántos años tienes? ¿ Cómo eres? ¿Cómo es tu carácter? Hablarme de tu familia. Peer assess each other as you go using the marking scheme! Remember past future tenses for C grade +, opinions, linking words!
Targets: Up to a C Grade: variety of GCSE vocabulary, opinions, justifications, at least 3 examples of different tenses to achieve up to Grade C.(Foundation paper) C / B Grade: (As above… and ) At least difference in tenses, longer paragraphs and more detail up to C/B grade. B / A* Grade: (As above…and ) Other people’s opinions, comparatives, idioms, complex sentences and long paragraphs, 4-5 different tenses to achieve up to grade A* (Higher tier paper)
GCSE Speaking Marking Scheme: How my work is marked:Marks Communication10 Range and Accuracy of Language 10 Pronunciation and Intonation 5 Interaction and Fluency 5 TOTAL30
Communication 9 – 10 Information, ideas and points of view are presented and explained with confidence. Can narrate events when appropriate. 7– 8 A good amount of information and points of view are conveyed and regularly developed. 5 – 6 A reasonable amount of information and points of view are conveyed and sometimes developed. 3 – 4 Some simple information and opinions are conveyed. Few, if any, responses are developed. 1– 2 Little relevant information communicated. Very few appropriate responses are developed. 0No relevant information conveyed.
Range and Accuracy of language 9–10 A wide range of vocabulary, complex structures and a variety of verb tenses. Errors usually appear in more complex structures. 7–8 A range of vocabulary; some complex structures and a variety of verb tenses attempted, though not always well formed. Some errors occur but the message is clear. 5–6 Limited vocabulary; sentences generally simple but occasionally more complex. Errors are quite frequent, but the language is more accurate than inaccurate. 3–4Very limited vocabulary; short, simple sentences. Errors very frequent. 1–2 Isolated words of vocabulary. Occasional short phrases. Errors often impede communication. 0No language produced is worthy of
Pronunciation and Intonation 5Consistently good accent and intonation. 4Generally good. 3Generally accurate but some inconsistency. 2 Understandable, but comprehension is sometimes delayed. 1 Barely understandable, making comprehension difficult. 0No language produced is worthy of credit.
Interaction and Fluency 5 Responds readily and shows initiative. Conversation sustained at a reasonable speed, language expressed fluently. 4 Answers without hesitation and extends responses beyond the minimum with some flow of language. 3 Ready responses; some evidence of an ability to sustain a conversation; little if any initiative. 2 Some reaction. Sometimes hesitant, little natural flow of language. 1Little reaction. Very hesitant and disjointed. 0No language produced is worthy of credit.
Plenary Write down in your book: What have you learnt today? 2 stars (things you have done well) And a wish (something you wish you could do better)